Family tree

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A/N: The rogues don't know Peters backstory. Peter is Tony's adoptive son.  Bro, I wrote 200 words and they were all deleted sooo, sorry I haven't updated too much.

This is an old draft.

"Alright class! I have a fun project for us!" Mr. Patty said.

The whole class groaned.

"It's not that bad! Trust me it'll be fun!"

The class was still skeptical.

"We're going to make and present your family tree!" The teacher almost burst with somehow genuine excitement.

The students seemed to relax. That wasn't too hard.

Peter internally groaned. His family was very confusing, and after he presented, he knew that everyone would always be giving him pity looks and, are you okays especially from the teachers.

He wasn't looking forward to this.

"You have to go as far back as you can, if that's your grandparents, that's okay. Even if it's just your parents, but really try to get as far as you can. Now I understand some family's situations are complicated, but I suggest you just put down whoever has been most prominent in your life. Alright class that's all for today, have a good weekend!"

Peter was dreading this. None of the avengers knew about his past except Tony and Pepper. And he figured they would find out pretty soon.

Back at the penthouse, everyone was scattered around, almost ready to go eat. Steve was making dinner, meatloaf.

A bit later everyone was called down for dinner.

Peter trudged down the stairs.

Immediately after he sat down, it already started. "Peter, are you hiding something?" Natasha asked.

Peter looked up, struggling to hide the surprise on his face, "Who me! Pu-leez!" Peter said exaggerated. That was something about Peter, he couldn't lie well at all.

"Peter, I'm a super spy. I can literally tell if someone's lying by just glancing at them."

Peter sighed, "Fine. I have a family tree project."

Tony and Pepper exchanged glances.

The whole team started talking, realizing they didn't know much of Peters past.

"Hey why don't you present it to us if your nervous or whatever?" Bucky suggested.

"I'm sure you'll do great." Steve added.

Peter quickly hit down Buckys suggestion, "Oh I don't want to waste your time." Of course this only made things worse.

Literally almost everyone on the team said something along the lines of, "Your not a waste of time Peter," or "c'mon it'll be fun!"

Peter sighed. He wasn't getting out of this, "Fine. I'll show it to you tomorrow."

The night and morning flew by faster then quick silver.

Peter groaned as he heard his family circled up in the living room calling his name. But he had to get it over with. Tony had asked him if he didn't want to share, but Peter knew the team would only be more suspicious if Tony convinced them Peter shouldn't present for them.

Peter trudged down the hall, with a big poster in his left hand.

When he got to the living room everyone was grinning crazily at him, "We were just talking about how we don't really know anything about your biological family, like do you even like them? There names? Pictures? So we're pretty excited for this."

Only Pepper and Peter noticed Tony slapping his face. He was previously an orphan, why did they seem to think Peters home life was cupcakes and rainbows?!

He walked in front of the group and looked at his poster. "Okay. So I'm supposed to start at my grandparents, but I never got to meet them, or know who they are."

Peter heard a few of them go, that's too bad, and, aww. It was already starting.

Peter cleared his throat, "And then there was my mom and dad, Mary and Richard Parker... um they died in front of my eyes, in a plane crash when I was five so... um yeah. But like no hard feelings that was a while ago."

The whole team, other than Tony and Pepper seemed shocked. After a moment of silence they all went, aw, and I'm so sorry Peter.

Peter did not like that...

He continued on ignoring them. This is where it started to hurt more.

"Um, then there's my uncle and Aunt... My uncle was shot in front of me.... So then I had my aunt, but a few months later she found out she had cancer, and then a few months after that she... Died. And then there's Mom and Dad. They adopted me a month after my Aunt passed... And that's my family."

All the avengers looked at Peter in shock.

Peter just went to sit down next to Tony and Pepper, "Can we watch a movie now?" Peter asked

Tony nodded, "The usual?"

Peter nodded.

A d so they watched Star Wars. And Peter fell asleep peacefully.

Later my Gators 🐊

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