quick story

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Once in seventh grade we were in a counseling class, which is kinda like health class ig, but with more of a focus on mental health and not doing drugs.

So we had to play this game where the teacher would say a scenario, and we'd have to choose a side of the room, out somewhere in between, one side meaning no, the other side, yes.

So the scenario was, this girl makes a YouTube channel. She then creates fake accounts and likes and comments on her own videos so she can gain more viewers and look like she has more followers. Is this okay for her to do?

The class was mostly divided between yes no and kinda, so someone on the yes side was called on to explain why she was on the yes side and then one of my friends way on the no side was called on, and she went, 'I mean, she's hustling.' and then shrugged.

That was not the answer the teacher was looking for.

Anyway I just remembered that, and then I remembered I can pay whatever the hell I want on here, so there you go :)) sorry it's not a real update.

Later my Gators 🐊

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