what to do on Thanksgiving pt 2

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A/N: read the previous chapter of you haven't already!

A week and a half had passed. Everything was perfect.

Peter brought Eugene into a small town nearby, and showed him all of his favorite stores and places.

"Okay, don't judge me, but I don't like coffee." Peter said looking at Eugene fake seriously.

"Um, Peter, your saying this as you take me into a coffee shop you know that right?" Eugene said looking around the cute little cafe.

"Oh, I don't come here for the coffee, I come here for the muffins. You need to try the lemon poppy seed!" Peter said excitedly.

"Hey Jaime! I'm back from college for Thanksgiving!" Peter said to the barista.

"Oh my gosh, Peter! I didn't expect you today- hold on let me get Danny and Layla they're going to be so happy!" Jaime, the barista, ran into the back kitchen.

Eugene looked at Peter, "I take it you're a regular?"

Peter smiled, "Something like that."

A moment later an old lady and man came out of the back kitchen along with Jaime.

"Oh my goodness, I didn't believe it was true, until I saw you! Oh my goodness you've gotten too skinny, Peter, what are they feeding you at that college?!" The lady, Layla, said.

"Aw come on, they feed me just fine!" Peter said smiling.

The old man, presumably Danny, smiled and rolled his eyes, "I bet there food isn't as good as ours."

Peter nodded, "Nothing compared you your food here."

This was the moment they group all seemed to realize Eugene standing next to Peter awkwardly.

Jaime gasped, "Oh Peter, you brought a guy back home?!"

"That's a keeper there Pete." Layla said, looking at Eugene, which got a playful glare from Danny.

Peter blushed, "Guys this is Eugene, Eugene this is everyone."

Eugene smiled also blushing at all the attention, "It's nice to meet you all."

"So, what are you to Peter exactly? A friend? More than a friend?" Jaime asked.

Eugene's blushing wasn't getting any better, "Um well I guess, I'm his boyfriend."

Jaime fist pumped and silently said ,"Yes!"

Danny opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Eugene knew.

"Yes, I have heard, if I hurt Peter, basically everyone in this town will hunt me down."

Danny closed his mouth and nodded sternly, which quickly changed to a smile,"Now what can I get for you two?"

Peter smiled, "The usual, oh and one for Eugene too! I told him he had to try this."

Danny smiled, turning his attention to Eugene, "Peter here is our very own free advertisement- and it works, I mean who could say no to him?"

Eugene laughed, "I don't know sir, I don't know."

This is when Jaime added in, "I mean a giant purple grape alien with a fancy gauntlet and shiny rocks... But we don't talk about that."

Everyone stopped to start at her for a moment, "Sometimes I worry about you Jaime." Layla said, looking at her strangly.

"Well we better get on your food, you two go find a table!" Danny said pressing them together.

Peter laughed, "Okay okay."

They found a small table and sat down.

"Aw man, this is all so awesome." Eugene said smiling.

"What?" Peter said looking oblivious.

"You know all these people... It's like the world is your family, wherever you look you have someone who cares for you." Eugene said, gesturing all around him.

Peter smiled, "Well, It wasn't always like that... But you're right, I'm thankful for all the things I have, all the family, all the love"

After a full day with many stops including the movies, an umbrella shop, an art studio, back to the coffee shop for lunch, a hike in the woods, and kayaking, they made it to the outlook over the city.

"This is my favorite place to go." Peter said, smiling, watching the sunset.

Eugene looked over at Peter, "Why?"

Peter sighed, "Well before, when I lived in the city, everything was always going. Even when I went to sleep, all I could hear was people yelling on the streets, car horns and traffic. But when I'm here-" Peter paused, filling the air with silence, other than a few birds chirping, "Here, it's just calm. Like I can slow down for a second. And... That view... It's new every day. And it always amazes me."

Eugene had been looking at Peter while he talked, and now agreed with him and said, "Yeah, it's beautiful."

Suddenly Eugene's haven't felt faster, bigger. He quickly looked away from Peter, back to the sunset. It was all fake. Peter didn't actually like him.

Something Eugene had noticed, is that, when you're thrown into someone's life, after a bit, it feels like you were always there. It feels like you've been with that person for all there life.



"Have you ever been in a relationship before?"

"... No."

"Why not?"

"... Everyone in my life- I just don't want to get hurt." Peter avoided eye contact with Eugene.

"But you seem to be fine with this." Eugene said slowly.

Peter smiled, "Yeah but with this I can't get hurt, cause it's all fake."

Eugene grimaced slightly, "Right. Right, of course," Eugene glanced at his phone for the time, "We should get going, it's late."

He started walking to the car.

"Hey! Eugene, are you okay?" Peter asked, following after him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired I guess."

"Okay... You're right I guess it's kinda late." Peter said looking at his phone.

Once they got back home Different went to his room quickly, with Peter following after him. Peter paused at the door, then went  to his own room, then back to Eugene's.

He open the door slowly, "Hey Eugene, are you sure you're okay?" Peter asked.

Eugene was already laying in bed. He smiled at the sound of Peters voice, "Yeah I think I'm good. Come sit."Her sounded like he was about to fall asleep right then.

Peter went to sit at the edge of the bed

"Naw, naw, come lay next to meh." Eugene said.

Peter blushed, knowing that Eugene was too tired to think strait. He must not have gotten sleep the night before.

Eugene threw his arm over Peter, "Today was so much fun. You're always sooo happy Peter. I want to be super happy, like you some day. And, you're right those muffins were so good!"

Peter smiled a bit, "Eugene you're already super happy."

"Mmm. No I'm naw." Eugene said drifting asleep.

Moments later Peter realized he was stuck. Eugene had fallen asleep, his arm over Peter. Peter didn't want to wake him up, do he'd just have to lay there until Eugene moved.

However, Peter must have underestimated how tired he was because he to fell asleep.

A/N: The next part is where everything's happening! There's c going to be a very emotional scene at night, under the stars next to the lake, and that's all I'm saying.


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