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Rosie's P.O.V.

The nerves in my stomach were almost unbearable as Mia and I walked up to Sammy's house. I pulled my jacket a little tighter around myself. I was mentally coaching myself to get the courage to go inside. Before I could do it Mia shoved me through the front door. 

"Mia.." I laughed

"If I didn't do it you were never going to do it!" She laughed 

There were people everywhere and the music was bumping. I was excited to be here yet felt so sick because I've never been to an actual party. I don't know why.. I've been invited multiple times but I've never actually had the courage to go. I'm not even sure where I got the courage to go to this party from. I grabbed Mia's hand and drug her to the kitchen I needed something to calm my nerves. As I walked I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry.." I stuttered looking up to meet Nate's eyes.

"Looks like we just keep bumping into each other ma.." He smirked

"I guess so.." I smirked back

"Good to see you made it.. I didn't know if you were actually gonna come.."

"I said I was didn't I?" I laughed and smirking

Mia interrupted our conversation with a cough.

"Oh right this is my best friend Mia." I smiled

"Aye what's up! I'm Nate or you can call me skate!" He smiled at her then back at me. "Why don't we get you girls some drinks then you can head down stairs with me! We got some serious beer pong going on!" He laughed and motioned us to follow him.

He grabbed us two cups of jungle juice and grabbed my hand leading us to the stairs. The butterflies were swarming in my stomach by his touch. We walked down them and I could instantly smell the joints burning and the sounds of pong balls hitting the cups along with laughter. We reached the bottom of the stairs and the first person I made eye contact with was Jack. He looked between Nate and I then at our hands interlocked. He gave us the dirtiest and coldest look I've ever been given. I was starting to feel the jungle juice so I didn't even care. 

"Aye everybody this is Rosie and her friend Mia!" Nate smiled and sat on the couch next to Johnson. He pulled me down and sat me next to him and wrapped his arm around me and let his hand land right above my ass. 

"Hey!" Mia and I said in sync.

I watched as Sammy started smiling and starring at Mia. I could tell she wasn't paying any attention. He was totally digging her. 

"Mia, you wanna play me in beer pong?" Sammy asked smiling

"Duh of course! Rosie be my partner please!!" She begged  smiling as I nodded.

"Johnson its me and you!' Sammy screamed as everyone laughed.

I got up and  we started playing. Sammy and Johnson were crushing us so far and I started to feeling pretty drunk. Finally out of nowhere I started hammering balls in the cups.

"That's what I'm talking about babbbbbyy!" I laughed.

"Johnson what the hell we can't let them come back like this!!" Sammy laughed.

Finally both teams and one cup on each side. It was my turn I had Mia blow on it for good luck. I threw the ball and it was as if the whole thing was in slow mo. The anticipation was killing me. Finally my ball went straight in. 

"Whooshh!! we won!!" I screamed.

"Hold up not so  fast we get a redemption shot!" Johnson said.

"Well shoot then boy!" Mia laughed.

Both Sammy and Johnson missed declaring us the winners! They were kind of sore losers about it but in a good way. I noticed Nate was nowhere to be seen and I really had to go to the bathroom. 

"Hey wheres the bathroom?" I asked Sammy.

"Use the one all the way upstairs no one should be in that one!" Sammy yelled.

I walked up the stairs looking for the bathroom and Nate. I went in and did my business. As I opened the door I was met by Jack's eyes.

"Ummm hi?" I said but sort of like a question.

"You look good tonight Rosie.." He smirked

"Thanks I hope Nate thinks so too.." I smirked back at him as his face turned cold. 

"Are you guys dating now or something?" He barked

"No.. we just officially met." I said

"Good." Jack said and smashed his lips onto mine and pushing me into the bathroom and closing the door.

Jack started to kiss all over me. All over my neck making me moan. He only kissed me harder when I moaned.

"Ja-cc-k.." I moaned

"Mmm I love when you moan my name." He said as he continued to kiss me.

Finally I straightened my thoughts and pushed Jack off me.

"We can't do this. I came here because Nate invited me. I like Nate.." I said and walked towards the door. 

"Oh yeah? I bet he can't make you cum as fast as I did.." His words made my cheeks flush.

"Oh shut up!" I said turning around to face him "You just want to add me to your fucking belt and want to be able to tell the whole school you took my virginity.." I whisper yelled. "At least Nate might actually care about me." I said.

"If that's what you think.." Jack said crossing his arms.

"You're so annoying." I said.

"Yet you're still hear." He smirked and making me even more mad.

I slammed the door and walked down the stairs and out the front door. The cool air made me relax a little and I seen Nate sitting there watching the stars. I smiled and walked over and sat next to him.


(A/N) to be continued :) Hope you're enjoying please vote and comment xx

Also let me know if you guys want me to read any of your stories!!

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