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Rosie's P.O.V.
I felt so much relief seeing Mia sitting with Sammy on a log as Nate and I walked up to the bonfire.
"What's up Rosie?" Johnson yelled before taking a huge chug of his beer.
"Hey guys!" I smiled taking a seat next to Mia and Nate on the log.
"Do you want something to drink?" Nate asked
"No it's a school night." I giggled and nodded and he got himself something.
"Hey does anyone know if Jack is coming?" Sammy asked as my stomach dropped
"Nah I think he had other plans tonight.." Johnson said making relief wash all over me
"Let's play a game or some—-" before Mia could finish her sentence she was interrupted by someone's very familiar voice
"What's a bonfire without Jack Gilinksy himself!" I looked up at him to see his armed wrapped around beautiful brown haired girl. Her skin was flawless. She must be Madison. I suddenly did not want to be here anymore. I don't even have an excuse of why I need to leave.
"Hell yeah we thought you weren't coming!" Sammy smiled
"What's up Madison?" Johnson asked
My stomach dropped. It was her and it seems like they all know her. I wonder if he brings her around all the time.
"Not much." She giggles
Nate returns from getting his drink and sits down next to me and puts his arm over my shoulder bringing me closer to him. The smell of his cologne relaxes my nerves. I look over to see Jack giving us the death glare. Nate didn't seem to notice. Jack and I were starring directly at each other as he pulled Madison down on his lap and placing his hand on her thigh rubbing up and down while smirking at me.
"You know what I actually would like a drink." I say turning towards Nate.
Nate and I head towards the drink table and he pours me a mixed drink. I chug about half of it as he makes himself another one.
"Somebody wanna do shots with me?" Sammy asked walking up to the table.
"I will" I say without hesitation
"I thought it was a school night?" Nate laughs
"Well you only live once ya know?" I laugh. I can feel someone starring at me and without a doubt I know it's Jack.
Sammy and I take three shots together in sync. I can feel myself getting a little warm inside.
"Why don't we play flippy cup?" I ask and everybody nods in agreement.
I look up to see Jack and Madison making out in front of the fire. Gag me. We decide on Nate, Johnson, and I on a team. Sammy, Mia, and a girl named Morgan.
"Three.. two.. one.. go!!" Sammy shouts.
The game begins and everybody is going crazy waiting for their turn. I can help but laugh at how competitive everyone is  especially Sammy. Finally it was my turn and I was against Sammy. I downed my drink as fast as I could and instantly try flipping my cup. After two tries I finally flip the cup and Johnson goes crazy.
"Suck on that Sammy boy!!" He laughs uncontrollably.
Nate laughs along and wraps his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. I relaxed into him forgetting all about Jack and Madison. I turned myself around in Nate's arms and slowly placed my lips on his. We moved in sync and the butterflies started to rush back from the first time I talked to him.
"Will just leave you two alone.." Sammy smirked and giggled. You could tell he was drunk.
Nate and I continued to make out until I finally pulled away. He smiled down at me lowering his hands down to my lower back.
"You're a pretty dope person you know that?" He asked
"Oh shut up.." I laughed
"I'm serious.. Low key I'm trying to cuff." He smirked and my stomach dropped.
"Oh really now?" I smirked
"Really." He smiled and I seen Jack out of the corner of my eye. He looked pissed and disappeared into the house.
Nate and I rejoined everybody at the fire. Nate had another drink and I looked down at the time. It was 11 pm I really needed to get home. I was still very tipsy and there was no way Nate was going to be able to drive me home.
"I'm gonna get going. I need sleep." I laugh
"Let me drive you." Nate said
"No you've been drinking. It's not to far from my house."
"I can take you.." I heard Jack say as he rejoined the party. "Madison needs to go home too." I nod and try not to show how much I did not want to get in that car, but getting a ride sounded so much better then walking at the moment so I guess I'm just going to have to endure it. I said goodbye to everyone and gave Nate a small peck on his lips.
"I'll text you." He says and I nod and head up the hill to Jacks car.
"Done swapping spits?" Jack ask I get in the back seat and roll my eyes.
"Shut up." I say and put my seat belt on.
Jack passed my house and I give him an odd look through the mirror but Jack ignores me. Ten minutes later we pull up to a beautiful home that was a little over the top. I'm guessing this is her house.
"Are you getting in the front seat?" She ask
"I guess so." I say as she leaves the door open for me to get in
"Thanks." I say blankly
I watch as Jack and Madison have a intense make out session by her front door. I'm starting to think walking would have been a way better option. Finally jack finishes swallowing her spit and gets into the car. I stay silent and try to just concentrate on the things outside.
"So are Nate and you official now?" He asked
"Why are you jealous?" I asked
"Not by a long shot." He laughed getting me more annoyed than usual. "Didn't think you would forgive him that easily? Then to date him? It won't be long till you give up your virginity to him." He scuffs gripping the steering wheel a little harder than usual
"Shut the fuck up Jack. We're not dating and I'm not that fucking easy." His grip loosens up on the wheel a little bit. "Just fucking let me out here I can walk the rest of the way."
"No" he says
"Seriously pull over I don't want to be in the car with you anymore." He just continues to ignore me and five minutes later we pull up to my house.
I push open the door as fast as I can and slam it shut and march up to my door. I'm about to trip as I roll my ankle from losing my balance when Jack grabs my arm catching me.
"Get off of me."
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you easy.." Jack says with soft eyes
"Yeah whatever." I say and pull my arm from his grip and finally reach my front porch tripping once more. Jack was there again to catch me. He stands over me as I put my key into my house.
"You can go now." I say
"Obviously I need to make sure you can make it up the stairs without falling." I ignore Jacks comment and make it up the stairs perfectly fine with him right behind me.
I walk into my bedroom as Jack just leans on my door frame. I choose to just ignore him and start undressing and getting back into my hoodie and shorts. I can feel his eyes on me the whole time.
"Thanks for bringing me home." I say
"Yeah. Sure no problem." He says itching the back of his neck.
"Are you really going to date Nate?" He asked
"I don't know Jack we're just two friends that are hanging out right now.. why do you want to know so bad?" I asked
"Just curious I guess.." He says inching a little but further into my room.
I turn 'Friends' on and start to make my bed for myself. I turn around to bump right into Jack. The smell of his cologne drove me insane. It was one of the best smelling colognes I have ever smelt. I looked up to be met by Jacks soft eyes. Before I know it he was smashing his lips on mine. I don't know what he's doing. I feel like he's playing a constant mind game with me and I never know what Jack I'm going to get. Jack pressed himself against me as I laid down on my bed. We continued to kiss deepening with every passing second. Jack grinds his hips into mine making me moan. He breaks the kiss for only seconds to take his shirt off. I run my fingers run through his hair tugging on it causing him to moan. I was feeling a moment of euphoria until Jacks phone started to ring. What was I doing? Nate said he liked me and wanted to be with me and Jack has Madison. Yet those two things just did not really make me feel happy.
I pull away from Jack. "You might want to get that. Madison's probably waiting for you to call her when you get home." I say blankly and roll over facing my wall.
"Why do you always have to do that?" Jack ask
"I'm not doing anything." I say
"We're just having a little fun."
"You should probably just go." I say
"Whatever." He scoffs and walks down my stairs and slams the front door.
I sat there confused. I don't know what I'm doing. This does not seem like me at all. I don't understand these games Jack is trying to play. I slowly drifted off to sleep with my thoughts.
(A/N) what would you guys think of me doing Jacks pov? Please don't forget to vote and comment :)

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