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Rosie's P.O.V.
Jack slowly pulled away from me and just started at me. I felt butterflies but they quickly faded.
"Jack I drank a lot... I don't feel so good." I say feeling like I had to throw up. I started to feel dizzy and leaned on Jack for support.
"Come here." Jack said and picked me up bridal style
"Are you sure you can carry me all the way back to the hotel?" I slur
"Just don't throw up on me and I can carry you the whole way." He laughs
Jack was true to his word and carried me the whole entire way to the hotel. It was at least 15 minute walk maybe even longer I couldn't tell. I managed to stand on my own in the elevator but jack kept his arm wrapped around me just Incase. I was praying nobody would be in the room especially not Nate. I didn't even want to look in his direction. I was overly relieved when nobody was in the room when we got back.
"I'm going to take a shower.." I say and I waited for a smart remark from Jack but I never received one.
I went into my room and got all my shower stuff along with a crew neck and some shorts. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror I looked a hot mess. I don't even know why Jack thought I was kissable back there. I turned the water on to right temperature and peeled my clothes off my body. I stood under the water for awhile and just started to think off everything that was said between Nate and I. Then the tears started to flow and I couldn't stop them. I was overwhelmed with my feelings. Was I not worth being in a relationship? Why did he want to conquer my virginity so bad? Did he only want me because I was a virgin? The tears just kept streaming down as I continued to finish up my shower. I realized I needed to stop crying. Nothing was going to change. What's done is done. I felt weak at the moment and little pathetic to think he actually had feelings for me. I exit the bathroom fully dressed and head to my room to try and avoid Jack. I didn't want him to see my puffy tear stained face.
"Are you feeling better?" Jack asked leaning on the door frame
"Yeah. I'm fine." I say finishing brushing my hair.
"You know that you don't have to lie to me Rosie." He says and his words almost make me cry again but I just couldn't let myself.
I starred at Jack and he stared back at me. I knew he wanted more answers to what happened today but I'm not sure I was ready to approach it.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" I ask Jack before even thinking.
"Of course. Let me change and stuff first." I nod my head and climb into my bed. I was totally exhausted and already ready to go home. Only one day into spring break and I'm already ready to go home. I heard Jack walk back into the room and shut the door. A couple minutes later I felt him getting into the bed and putting his arm underneath and pulling me close to him. It felt so good to be laying here with him and not doing anything else but just laying here together. I felt Jacks hand lightly start rubbing my head and playing with my hair. It was the most relaxing thing I did all night. It made me so extremely sleepy and before I knew it my eyes were heavy and I was passed out.
I shot up as I heard someone calling my name outside my door. It was 4 am in the morning.
"Rosie..."  I could tell it was Nates voice as he slurred
"I—I know you're in there.... Please come talk to me"
"Nate come on" I heard a giggle coming from a girls voice I didn't recognize
That's when I lost it.

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