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Rosie's P.O.V.
"What are you doing here?" I ask Jack as he stares back at me smirking.
"It's 4? We're working on our project remember?"
" I didn't think you were being serious.." I laugh
"Yeah well Nate's the one who dropped me off and is probably waiting to see if I come inside. Unless you want me to go and you guys can start that awkward conversation again.." without hesitation I stepped aside and let Jack into my house.
I walked up the stairs with Jack right behind me. My stomach felt queasy. Jack laid in my bed putting his hands behind his head as he started to watch the TV show I had playing for background noise.
"I need to take a shower I'll be back in a minute.." I say grabbing a hoodie, new panties, and some shorts.
"Can I join?" He asked smirking
"You're funny." I say sarcastically.
"You know the fun fair is next weekend right?" He ask
"Yeah will work on the stuff as soon as I get out.."
I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I turn on the water and get it to the perfect temperature before peeling the clothes of my body and hopping in. I try to let the water wash away my thoughts but I was having no luck. I couldn't stop thinking about Nate apologizing. Should I give him a second chance? I mean it's not like were dating, but would the same thing happen if we were? Then there Jack who's literally sitting in my bedroom right now. He's a dick half the time but lately he's been different. I mean not totally different but different. Does that even make sense?
I continue to do my shower routine as I let these thoughts run through my mind. I finally finished and dried off slipping my clothes on and blow drying some of my hair so it wasn't sopping wet. I enter my room to find Jack going through my underwear drawer.
"You know for being a virgin you have some pretty sexy underwear." Jack laughs
Annoyed I grab my underwear out of his hands and slam the drawer shut.
"I see that shower didn't take bitch out of you."
"You're so fucking annoying and a pervert." I say sitting at my desk and pulling out my lap top. I hear Jack try to hold his laugh in causing me to roll my eyes.
I start searching for booth ideas for our booth at the fun fair. I thought since our project was about beach clean up it would only make sense to do a beach themed booth. We were also going to need a game for people to play that costed a little bit of cash so we had enough money for the BBQ.  I feel Jack pull up my bean bag chair and sit down next to me.

"Why don't we do a dunk tank?" He ask
"That's actually a good idea. I think the school actually has one. We can talk to Mr. Edwards about it tomorrow."
"What about all the supplies for the posters and stuff?"
"I'll go to the craft store after school one day and get everything made. We're gonna have to get people to volunteer to be dunked."
"I can get people to do that" he smirks
"Which poster do you like better?" I ask as he gets up to stand and see what I'm pointing at.
"That one." He says with his face so close to mine I can feel his breath hit my face.
"You smell really fucking good." Jack says still inches away from my face. This time I feel my face inching forward instead of his. Jack closed the little gap that was between us and planted his soft lips on mine.

He deepened the kiss by pulling me off my chair and making me straddle him on the bean bag chair. He swiped his tongue along the bottom of lips asking entrance. I denied him and kept kissing him before I know it Jack is grabbing ass causing me to gasp and open my mouth giving him full access. I decided to tease Jack and little by grinding my hips into his. I could feel his bulge growing in his pants as he moaned. Our intense make out session soon came to a end as Jack's phone repeatedly went off with messages and finally a phone call. I removed myself from him as he stood up to answer the call. He took one look at the caller ID and stepped out into the hall closing my door. I quietly tip toed over to the door and listened only because Jack has never been one to hide something.
"Yes Madison I'll be there soon. We can go to the movies or you know do the do." I can hear the smirk on his face. I felt sick. Once again here I am making out with Jack and of course he's going to see another girl after this.
Who is this Madison girl? This is the same girl who called him the other day when we were together? Is she Jack's girlfriend? If she was I felt horrible. I hurriedly rushed over to my bed before Jack reentered the room. I felt my phone buzz it was Nate.
"Hey I know I messed up but I'd like to make it up to you. But Johnson is having a small bonfire tonight will you go with me?" I accepted Nate's invitation without hesitation after everything I just heard Jack saying in the hall.
I got up and started changing into jeans, long sleeve v-neck with my north face wind breaker over the top of it.
"What are you getting all dressed for?" Jack says reentering my room.
"Does it matter." I say without looking at him
"Ouch I guess not just thought we were hanging out." He said
"No we were working at our project together. Plus I wouldn't want to keep Madison waiting." I see him give me a dirty look. "Plus I told Nate I'd go to Johnson's bonfire with him so."
"Are you fucking serious? You're gonna go with him?" He ask giving me the dirtiest of looks.
"Yeah, I am he's trying to make it up to me. So why not?" I ask
"Wow I didn't think you were that dumb Rosie."
"Fuck you Jack! You're no better then him. I don't know why you care so much." Jack's face went cold
"Yeah you're right I don't care have fun! Make sure you don't catch an STD!" He says walking the down the stairs.
"I'm pretty sure you're the only one walking around with them!" I yell from the top of the stairs with the dumbest comeback ever.
"Fuck you." He says slamming the front door.
I was beyond irritated but I wasn't going to let this ruin my night. I'm just happy Jack will be somewhere else with Madison and not at Johnson's bonfire with Nate and I tonight.
(A/N) wow two updates in a row :) please give me feedback I love reading comments! Don't forget to vote :)

Defective ➻ J.G.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz