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Rosie's P.O.V.
I could hear someone eerily knocking at my bedroom door. I groaned a little bit and looked at the clock it was 7 am.
"Yeah.." I say with grogginess in my voice.
I watched as my mom slowly opened the door with a slight smile. She sat at the end of my bed and stared at me for a few.
"That nice boy Jack came by again last night to talk to you. I told him you were sleeping." She says quietly
I sighed as the words left her mouth. He had came by my house everyday since I had been home from Miami. I managed to get both my parents to get him to go away but today was Sunday so I wouldn't be able to avoid him at school.
"Thanks.." I finally told my mom
"What happened honey? He seems like he's trying to makeup for it. If you don't want to talk about it, I understand." She looks at me with curious eyes
"I just really don't want to talk about it right now the spots still sore.." I say
"Okay baby that's okay tell me when you're ready. Your father and I have a work dinner tonight. I don't want you here all alone do I texted Mia to come over and stay with you. I asked her mom first and she's okay with it. I'll leave some money in kitchen for you guys." She smiles and kisses my forehead before exiting my room.
I laid in bed for an hour just starring at my ceiling. The thoughts of everything that has happened the past couple months are nothing like I expected them to be. I never expected to even talk to my crush Nate at the time let alone for for Jack fucking Gilinsky. I just didn't think I could forgive him this time. He made it seem like he was very much into me the night Nate did what he did. Maybe I took his very wrong and he was just being a friend.
"Get up bitch!! We're going to get our nails done." I jump to see Mia standing in my door way.
I smiled and ran and hugged her. I hadn't seen her for awhile and I barely talked to anybody when I got home from Miami.
It was almost 7 Mia and I were waiting for our pizza to be delivered as we both sat watching Friends reruns. It wasn't long till I heard a knock on the door.
"Finally! Pizza!" I smiled
My smile soon faded when I opened the door to met by Jacks milk chocolate eyes. I went to shut the door but Jack stopped me from doing so.
"Please just give me a chance to explain." He begged as I looked back at Mia who shrugged her shoulders.
I gently stepped outside on the porch and closed the door behind me. I crossed my arms over my body feeling extremely vulnerable and stared at the ground avoiding his eye contact.
"Rosie I promise you nothing happened between me and that girl. She was drunk so I let her stay the night and she took one of my shirts. I didn't even sleep in the same room as her. I—" jack started to say something but I cut him off.
"Why was she even there in the first place? You invited her over for a reason. I don't believe anything you say."
"I invited her over because I was jealous of you spending the whole time at the party with that guy."
"I spent the whole time with Derek because you literally friends zoned me in front of her and then went a danced with her. What was I suppose to just sit there and watch you like a lost puppy?!" I raised my voice a little.
"No I didn't mean it like that and I—" Jack started to stumble over his words
"Just stop. I don't even know what this ever was but it's over. You've proved more then once that I'll always be the 2nd option. This is why our friendship didn't last the first time. I'm exhausted by whatever this is and I'm just done." I said as I choked a little bit on my tears. I turned around and slammed the door in Jacks face and ran up the stairs to my room. I could hear him shouting my name and knocking on the door.
"Just go away Gilinsky!" I heard Mia say as she opened and slammed the door in his face again.
I let the tears spill into my pillow had Mia rubbed my back. I felt so silly letting some boy do this to me. I hated being this emotional over something like this. When I finally stopped crying Mia decided we needed to watch a funny movie to try to get me into a better mood. I felt like it was working for a little bit until I got a text from Nate.
"Hey can we talk? Not about us. Just need to talk to you."
I was nervous to reply to his message but my curiosity got the best of me and I agreed to talk to him. Mia was asleep when I got my hoodie on to met Nate. I quietly walked down the stairs and out the door. It didn't take me long to reach the park right by my house. I saw Nate sitting in the swing set.
"Hey." I said and sat down next to him.

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