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Rosie's P.O.V.
My stomach was turning as I starred at the boys who I couldn't stop thinking about. One that drove me completely insane and the other who gave me butterflies but not like the feeling I got when Jack drove me mental. Weird comparison. I know.
"Hey guys." I finally said and allowed them inside a few steps behind them was Sammy, Johnson, and the couple others they talked about.
"Let get fucked up!!" Sammy shouts
I turned some music on as everyone grabbed drinks and started mingling amongst themselves. I grabbed myself a drink and made it strong. I wanted to stop thinking about boys and just enjoy my night.
"I say we play a game of kings cup!" I say to everyone as I walk back into the living room.
Everybody takes a seat at the big round table I set up in the living room that we usually used for the holidays. I set a beer can in the middle of the table and shuffled the deck of cards around it.
"Sammy you go first." I say and take my seat between Nate and you'll never guess Jack.
Sammy draws a card and instantly put his thumb on the table. Must have been a 5 I immediately put my thumb on the table. Some guy named Derek was the last one so he was the one to drink. Mia was next.
"Four is for whores" she laughs and all the girls take a drink.  Next was someone I didn't really know.
"Six is for dicks." She laughs as all the guys drink.
The game went on for while and everyone seemed pretty drunk. Johnson was the person to draw a king meaning he got to make a rule for the rest of the game or until someone else drew a king.
"Okay every time a girl has to drink they have to kiss the person to the right! No exceptions!!" He laughs and my stomach drops as Jack is the person to my right. I hope there is not another four in there. I better not lose any of these. It was Jacks turn to draw. He smirks and pauses for a moment. The anticipation was killing me.
"Hey Rosie what time is it?" Jack asked
"Um 12 why?"
"You lose." Jack smirks at me and shows me the queen in his hand. I needed to answer his question with a question to not lose. I take a big chug from my cup. Jack did this on purpose and fucking Nate is sitting right next to me. I felt like puking.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Sammy and Johnson cheered.
I hurriedly gave Jack a quick kiss on the lips and pulled away before it went any further.
"Well that was boring" Johnson laughed and I flicked him off
"Yoo I need a smoke break. Where can we go Rosie?" Nate asked with a smile
"You guys can go into the garage!" I say
A couple of people follow each other out there. I decided to get another drink. I was way past tipsy. I think this may be the drunkest I have ever been. I started to get extremely hot so, I went up the stairs to change out of my sweater. I looked for a cute top and finally found one taking my current sweater off.
"Is that a new bra?" I turn to see Jack saying as he closed my door.
"What are you doing in here?" I ask and he just ignores my question and he strides right over to me grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. I was to drink to stop Jack and his lips were heaven. I could tastes little bit of the alcohol on his breath and I'm sure he could taste a lot of it on mine. My subconscious was telling me to stop this right now because Nate was in the same house but my drunk self told her to shut the fuck up. I pulled Jack to my bed where we continued to make out. Jack grimes his hips into mine making me moan.
"Jacc-k" I moaned "I want you to fuck me." I say
Jack pulls away looking at me stunned.
"No." He says
"What?" I say as my cheeks start to heat up
"You're drunk and virgin. I'm not going to take away your innocence while you're drunk." He says and immediately become annoyed
"Well it's my decision." I say
"Well it's not a very good one." He says
"I hate you." I say as I push Jack off of me.
"No you hate that I won't fuck you." He says
"Get out." I say
"Are you serious?" He ask
"Please just leave." I say returning to my closet and putting on that was comfortable instead of cute.
Jack shut my door as he left and I didn't feel like being around anyone anymore. I was embarrassed that I just suggested sex to Jack and he denied me. I know he was right but it was still embarrassing. I am even embarrassed that I didn't care that Nate was in the house. What kind of person does that? I texted Mia to tell her I wasn't feeling good and just to tell everybody to not disturb me. She agreed to make sure everyone got an Uber and got home safely and to lock my house when they left. I crawled into my bed not even bothering to turn on my tv. A tear of two did slip on of my eyes. I know I was being dramatic but I couldn't help how embarrassed I felt. I was half asleep when I seen a light peer into my room and somebody was walking in. They closed the door behind them and I figured it was Mia she must be staying the night. I rolled back over and scooted over to give her some room. I wasted no time going back to sleep. I was exhausted.

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