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Rosie's P.O.V.
I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I remembered someone coming into my bed last night and I assumed it was Mia but these arms felt a lot broader. I slowly flipped around and was pretty stunned to find Jack in my bed. He was quietly snoring with his mouth opened. I watch as his chest moved up and down as he breathed. How does somebody mange still look so good even when they're sleeping? I was confused on why he was even in my bed. After last night embarrassment I planned on ignoring, avoiding, and just plain out never talking to him again. Dramatic, I know. I'm not mad at him for denying me. I'm just confused why he's ready to jump my bones anytime when he's high but when I have a little to drink he won't even think about going that far. Maybe I'm being stupid. I starred at Jack for a little longer before getting up without waking him. I went downstairs to see the mess I would have to clean up. I was surprised when I walked down stairs and there wasn't a trace of people or a party down here. I wonder who cleaned it up. I walked into the kitchen and started the coffee pot. I walked back upstairs to shower away the alcohol that was secreting from my skin.
The hot water on skin was unbelievable. I could stayed in it for hours. I was washing my face when I heard the door freak open. I opened the curtain to only show my face.
"Jack what are you doing in here?" I ask
"I have to pee and I couldn't hold it." He laughs
"I'm naked." I say
"So it's not like you weren't trying to get my pants last night." He says
"I don't know what you're even talking about." I say playing dumb.
"Guess you were to drunk to remember. Now close the curtain then so I can go." He says
I huff and close the curtain. It felt like Jack was peeing for 5 minutes straight. Finally I hear as his stream stop and he flushed the toilet as I turned the shower off.
"Can you hand me my towels before you leave?" I ask
"Sure." He says and hands me my towels by sticking only his hand around the curtain.
"Thanks" I say as he closed the bathroom door behind him.
I dry myself off and walk into my room ignoring Jacks presence as he starts watching something on my tv. I notice how beautiful of a day it is outside through my window. It would be a beautiful day for a hike and decide that's exactly what I'm going to do. I grab some panties, sports bra, a cute Nike tank top, and my Nike pro shorts. I go into the the bathroom and change before going back into my room to blow dry some of my hair and put some deodorant on.
"Damn. Where you going in those shorts?" Jack asked me practically drooling. I forgot how good these shorts made my butt look.
"It's a nice day. I'm gonna go for a hike on the trails at the park." I say
"Want some company?" He ask
"Are you actually going to do it or complain the whole time?" I ask
"I didn't get these from complaining." He smirks lifting up his shirt and showing his abs. "But I need to go home a change real quick."
"Okay." I say and head down stairs to grab my coffee. 
"You ready to go?" Jack ask coming down the stairs 5 minutes later. I shake my head and we both head to Jacks car.
I immediately take over the aux before Jack even has a chance. I turn on my Spotify playlist which is a mix of pop and rap music. After 10 minutes or so we pulled up to Jacks.
"Just wait here I'll be down in 10 minutes." I shook my head and pulled out my phone
'Hey Sammy is having a movie night at his house tonight. Do you want to go with me? -Nate '
I sat and stared at the screen. I didn't know what to say. I decided to just ignore it for right now and give him an answer in a little bit.
My mouth gaped open a little bit as jack walked out in basketball shorts and shirtless with his shirt in his hand. His hair was wet from I'm assuming a quick shower he took. There were still a couple beads of water dripping of his chest. His muscles glistened in the sun. I've never seen someone look so good so effortlessly. He got into the car and started driving to the trails. The ride was silent but peaceful. We found a parking spot and both jumped out. Jack put his shirt on and we started on the trail. We were silent for awhile.
"Do you do this a lot?" Jack
"I try to when it's nice out. It's one of my favorite things to do in the summer." I say
"As long as I loved here I've never actually came here." He kind of laughs
"It's beautiful isn't it?" I ask
"It not the only thing that's beautiful I see right now." Jack smirks and I feel my cheeks go hot. Apparently Jacks sweet personality is out right now.
"Cmon I want to show you something." I say and pull Jack off the path
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see." I say
I pull jack to the spot I want and his eyes grow a little bit. We both take in the amazing view of the beach.
"I didn't even know you could see the beach from up here."
"Yeah it's really relaxing up here. I like to sit up here when I come by myself." I can feel Jack starring at me as I looked down at the beautiful water.
I turn to look back at him and I look down to realize I never let go of his hand. Jack pulled me in a little closer and gently put his lips on mine. It was probably the sweetest and softest kiss we've ever had. He pulled away gently and smiled back at me. We continued on our path joking and messing with each other. We arrived back at the car laughing.
"So are you going to Sammys tonight?" Jack asked
"Im not sure.." I say
"Are you going with Nate?" He asked
"He asked but I haven't given him an answer yet."
"Go with me?" Jack says looking a little bit nervous. I didn't think Jack ever got nervous.
"What?" I say
"Go with me to Sammys." He says
(A/N) what's about to go down next chapter? ;) thanks for the reads comments and favorites!! It's so appreciated!

Defective ➻ J.G.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant