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Rosie's P.O.V.

"Hey." he smiled

"Whatcha doing out here?" I asked him smiling back

"It got a little hot in there and someone got me a little heated in there.." he said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Are you sure you and Jack are just project partners?" He asked and my face got hot.

"I'm positive." I didn't consider what I was saying a lie because I did not like Jack like that, he didn't like me like that and lastly nothing was ever gonna happen between me and Jack again.

"I believe you but I got this feeling Jack looks at you more then a project partner.." He breathed "But aye never mind that I'm just really feeling you and I didn't wanna have to fight for your attention." He smirked and the butterflies were swarming in my stomach.

Somehow out of nowhere I got the courage to turn Nate's face towards mine. I starred him in the eyes and he starred back. His eyes flickered between my lips and my eyes. The nerves in my stomach were bouncing from each side. Finally he leaned all the way in and pressed his lips on mine. The explosion of butterflies in my stomach was something I have never felt before. He pulled away smiling at me. My cheeks felt as hot as a volcano. 

"You wanna go inside and dance?" He asked smirking as I nodded my head.

I followed Nate into the house as he led me to where everybody was dancing. I smiled down at our hands connected and the butterflies resurfaced. The feeling faded when I looked up to Jack swapping spits with some random girl. The feeling was replaced with a disgusted nauseousness. I fought the urge to not throw up in my mouth. I don't know even know why I was feeling like this. I was brought out of my thoughts as Nate twirled me and around. We danced to the music and I finally got the courage to grind on him a little.

I looked up a little to see Sammy leading Mia up the stairs. I giggled to myself I did not think she was the type. 

"Hey I'm gonna go get a drink.." I yelled over the music to Nate as he nodded.

I squeezed  through the crowds of people to the kitchen. My hair was sticking to the back of my neck it was so hot in here. I grabbed a solo cup and started to get myself some more jungle juice. 

"Hey Rosie! Take a couple shots with me!" I turned to see Johnson motioning me over to him. 

I agreed and 5 shots were set down in front of me. "Fuck" I thought why did I agree to this. I can do this.. I can do this..

"3..2.1 GO!" Some random said and as fast as I could I started slamming the shots down. 

"Fuckk Rosie I thought that I would be able to beat you considering I never see you at parties" Johnson laughed

"What can I say.." I giggled

"Owens!! Me and you bro!!" I laughed as Johnson called up his next competitor. 

I watched  as the two boys started the challenge and not long after I felt someone place their hand on the small of my back. I smiled and turned expecting to find Nate looking at me but instead I was looking into Jack's perfect brown eyes.

"You know Rosie.. I think we should start over..." 

"Start over as what? Were Project Partners that's it." I said

"Oucch back to being a bitch per usual.. I thought we had at least earned the title of being friends." He laughed "I see why your still a virgin. You might eat a guys head off after having sex like a preying mantis.." He laughs even harder and pissing me off even more. I chugged my drink down then threw the cup on the table and started to head back to Nate.

I stopped in my tracks as I watched the same random girl Jack was making out with sucking on Nate's neck as he grabbed her ass. I felt someone stop behind me looking directly at what I was and of course it was Jack the last person I wanted to see right now. I looked him straight in the face disappointment in my eyes but I didn't want his pity or smart ass remarks. I sped walked as fast as I could to the door. I was drunk so there was no driving home for me. Looks like I'm walking. 

"Rosie! hold up!" I heard Jack yell after me.

"Leave me alone." I said

"Let me walk you home." He shouted after me. 

"You're the last person I want to walk me home.." I felt his hand on my wrist causing me to slam into his chest.

"You're drunk and it's really late! You don't need to be walking by yourself." I silently nodded and let him join as I walked home.

I was hoping he wouldn't start a conversation because I didn't want to talk not about Nate, not some dumb ass remark, and not even causal conversation. I expected something like this from Jack but not from Nate. I was stupid to believe he liked me. Everyone probably knew I was a virgin from Jack and that's probably the only reason Nate tried to go after me. I was stupid to think otherwise. It took us about 10 minutes to walk to my house. 

"Well thanks for walking me home." I said not making eye contact

"Anything for you." I rolled my eyes at the statement.

When I finally lifted my head up Jack's face was inches from mine. I didn't even realize how close we were. Jack's face grew closer to mine.

"I thought we were just friends.." I breathed

"I thought you said we were just project partners.." He smirked closing the gap between our lips.

I felt like I was melting. His lips felt like clouds. My stomach felt like fireworks were going off. I felt something totally different kissing Jack compared to kissing Nate. Jack pulled apart from the kiss.

"Goodnight.." He smirked and began to walk down the steps. I couldn't believe what I was about to say.

"My parents are gone for the weekend.. Do you want to stay the night?" I asked and Jack turned starring at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying. "I mean your drunk and I don't want you walking home by yourself.." I smirked and laughed. 

We walked inside the house together and I led us to my bedroom. We both got comfortable for bed. I turned on Netflix and I was about asleep when I felt Jack put his arm underneath my head and wrap his other arm around me and pull me close to his body...

Defective ➻ J.G.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu