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Rosie's P.O.V.
It had been weeks since I had last spoken to Jack on my porch. He finally got the picture I wanted nothing to do with him when I never picked up my phone when he called or texted. Neither one of us had even bothered to look at each other at lunch or in class. As for me and Nate we have been doing great and hanging out a lot. We're not dating as of right now but I could see it in the near future. In fact our whole group is getting huge hotel room and going to Miami, Florida for spring break. I'm surprised Mias mom and my mom agreed. We leave for the airport soon I'm just waiting on them to pick me up. I was excited to relax and be care free before Jack and I had to do our beach clean up together.
'Here.' Nate texted me
Nate and Sammy helped me carry and get all my luggage in the car. Everything went smoothly in the airport and boarding the flight. I managed not to look or interact with Jack at all. I was thankful for it. A part of me still wanted to know what he was going that night on my porch. I was still confused why he even invited me to go with him and have Madison waiting there for him. The only answer I could come up with is he didn't want me going with Nate. I didn't understand his games. He clearly has chosen Madison every single time but I wasn't allowed to chose Nate? It seemed like he wanted his cake and he wanted to eat it too. I tried to clear my head and to stop thinking about all this but I just couldn't.
I kept these thoughts all the way until we arrived at the hotel.
"Spring break bitches!!!!" Sammy yelled as we entered the hotel room.
It was huge it had two living rooms that connect through doors that could be shut. They're was also two private rooms closed off. I took one of the closed off rooms and Mia took the other since we were the only girls. I was surprised that Jack hadn't invited Madison to come along. Who knows maybe she'll show up later.
I heard a knock on my door and opened to find Nate.
"I was going to take a shower then I figured just me and you could go to dinner. Everybody else is going to head up to some bar." He said
"I'd like that." I smiled
I started to get ready for dinner I threw on a cute boho dress with some low tan heels with my purse. It didn't take me long to get ready but Nate on the other hand was taking forever in the shower. Everybody else was already gone. I was standing in the kitchen when Nates phone would not stop buzzing. Usually I would never look at someone's phone and I'm not usually a jealous person but the persons named who popped up was the last person I expected. Madison. So I picked it up read her message.
'Why aren't you answering the phone? You told me if we got Jack and Rosie mad at each other they would stop talking. Which they did and you got what you wanted. But I'm sitting home for spring break because Jack never invited me!! He doesn't even talk to me now. You need to fix this!!'
'I took out your competition yet I'm still competing with Rosie! This is bull shit.'
There happened to be another text from some random girl named Hannah.
'Hey I'm in Miami too. Are we still meeting up one night? ;) I've missed you.'
My eyes were glued to the screen. This is what Jack was trying to tell me. He didn't invite Madison to Sammys house. Nate and Madison planned it. I don't even know how they knew Jack and I were even hanging out but they knew. I was mad at Jack for no reason. He tried to explain himself and I turned him away. I felt terrible.
"What's wrong?" Nate asked coming into the room
"The night at Sammys house you invited Madison didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about why would I invite her?" He asked and I tossed him his phone
"You read my messages?" He asked
"Well I thought it was pretty weird for her to be texting you of all people and oh you a text from Hannah I think that's her name." Nate froze in his spot and the life drained from his face.
"Why the fuck are you going through my phone?" He asked
"Why the fuck are texting others girls about meeting up with them. Why are you even trying with me if you clearly still want to hook up with other people." I ask
"I'm not doing shit. So what I texted an ex were not together. You're the hardest virgin I've had trouble with getting into bed." Nate looked like he instantly regretted his words
My whole body felt numb. I thought I was going start crying. Of course he was just hanging out with me because he found out I was a virgin. All the sweet things he was saying was to get me into bed. I should have believed Jack. He was right I should have been smarter then this. I was not going to let Nate see me cry. I rushed out of the hotel room and into the elevator. I could hear Nate calling my name but I was not looking back. There was only one person I wanted to talk to. It was Jack.

(A/N) next chapter should be good and I'm going to do a little of it in Jacks POV :)

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