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Rosie's P.O.V.
It was a warm Friday night in my small town. Everybody was getting ready for party hopping because there are 3 major parties in my town and 1 party at our rival school going on tonight. After my dreadful week of feeling bad about trying to reconcile with Jack. I realized it wasn't worth crying over. I wanted to be happy and the first step to being happy is going out and not sitting in my room watching The Vampire Diaries series over and over again. I had managed to get an invite to every party even our rival school since I had a couple of friends who attended that school. I put on all black, it sounds depressing but I thought my outfit looked hot. I looked in my mirror one last time before leaving my room and heading outside to Sammys car where him and Mia were waiting for me.
"Damn Rosie when did you get that outfit?" Mia said looking at me in awe.
"Something I've been saving for a good night.." I chuckled a little
"Okay off to party numero uno!" Sammy laughs
"I say we don't drink until we figure out exactly what party we want to stay at.." Mia says smirking
"I agree and I'll drive if you guys decide to drink a little." I say and they both smile at me
We arrived at the first party and it was filled with a lot of the jocks who went to our school. The vibe was okay but I just was not feeling it extremely well so we decided to leave and go the next party. When we entered the second party the vibe was exactly the way I wanted it. They were playing nothing but throwbacks and my hips were into it. I immediately found myself dancing in front of the speakers letting the music take full control over my body.
"You look good.." I heard someone whisper into my ear. I turned to see Jack smirking at me.
"Yeah I know." I say and turning to walk away from him.
Before I have a chance to fully walk away I feel Jacks tight grip on my upper arm as he pulled me back pinning me between him and the wall.
"Can I help you?" I ask
"There's a good chance you could." He said biting his bottom lip seductively.
"Are you dr—" before I can even finish asking Jack roughly plowed his lips on mine taking me back.
I pushed him off me and started to catch my breath.
"Cmon let's go upstairs.." he said trying to pull me by my arm before even giving me a chance to say no.
As we were half way to the stairs I could see multiple hickies on his neck and my stomach turned. I ripped my hand from Jacks and tried to walk away.
"What are you doing?" He ask trying to grab my hand again
"I'm not doing this." I say
"Doing what?" He ask
"Making the same mistake where you think you can get me to stop being mad at you or whatever by doing something to me sexually." I say
"Who said that's what was going to happen?" He ask with his eyebrow cocked.
"You know it is. I gotta go."
"You really won't even talk to me." He slurs a little and I just walk away not wanting to even answer his question.
"Yeah you're right probably wouldn't have been that good of a fuck anyway.." he said a little to loud and laughing along with some other douche bags.
I shake my head and try my best to find Mia and Sammy. I finally found them in the kitchen.
"Can we please go to the next party so I can drink?" I ask
"The third party got busted so this is our only option besides that other douchey party.." Sammy says
"What do you guys think about going to a party being thrown by people at Norton?" I ask smiling
"We didn't get invited?" Mia laughs
"Yeah but I did! I know some people!" I say
"Let's fucking goo!!" Sammy laughs
The music played softly in the back ground as we drove. I could hear Sammy and Mia laughing together as they talked about something I wasn't exactly paying attention because I was so wrapped in my head about Jack. He is so confusing with everything he does around me. From the way he talks to me seductively, nicely, then like I mean nothing to him. I was over his mood swings and his douche bag ways but somehow every time I look at him it's like I get stuck in a trance.
"Are you coming?" Mia ask starring back me as I realize we made it to the party.
"Yeah sorry." I gently laughed
I noticed a couple of kids from are school attending. I rolled my eyes a little bit and decided to give the party a chance. I want tonight to end good and not be so bitter. The first thing we did was walk towards the drinks. I noticed a couple people I knew from Norton and said hi with some small talk. I'm not going to lie the last party was better but this one was bad either. I sat on a bar stool right next to the beer pong table watching Sammy and Mia play against a couple from Norton.
"What coincidence seeing you here." I turned to see Dereks beautiful face smiling at me
"Derek?" I questioned
"In the flesh." He smirked and gave me a hug as I stood up. "Wow you look beautiful." He says licking his lips as he eyed my body up and down.
"How are you here?" I asked
"I graduate me from this school and still have some friends who attend and was home visiting." He smiles as I look at him in awe "you want to get a another drink?" He ask as I shake head and he grabs my hand leading into the kitchen.
It felt like hours had gone by as me and Derek caught up with each other. We stood around the kitchens island as he introduced me to some of his friends walked up and talked to us for awhile.
"You want to go outside to the bonfire?" I nod my head and walk with him outside.
As we walk up Derek puts his arm around my shoulder and gave me small peck on forehead. The butterflies in my stomach started swarming. As I was enjoying my small cute moment I feel somebody run up and tackle Derek.
I look down to see Derek and Jack fist fighting. Jacks throws we're sloppy and slow. You could tell he was drunk.
"JACK STOP." I shout
Finally two guys managed to pull them apart Jacks lip was swollen and bloody and some blood was dripping down from above his eye. Dereks face was untouched but his knuckles were dripping with blood.
"What the fuck is wrong with you dude?" Derek shouts
"Fuck you." Jack shouts taking off.
I was left dumb founded by the situation that just played out in front of me. I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened. Derek wipes of his bloody knuckles with a towel as I just watch not sure if I should stay here with him or go after Jack.
"You might want to go make sure your friends gets home. He's underaged and has been drunk. He's going to get arrested." Derek says
"I'm so sorry." I say
"It's okay. Just go help him. I'll call you tomorrow." I shook my head and took off to find jack.
I don't know how Derek just got ambushed by Jack and still doesn't want him to get arrested. How can someone be so pure?
After 5 minutes of walking I found Jack stumbling down the sidewalk.
"Jack stop!" I shout. He looks back for a second and turns back around and keeps walking.
I finally catch up to him and grab his arm.
"Don't fucking touch me!" He shouts. I look at him with wide eyes about to walk away not caring if he got arrested or not. Before I had the chance Jack grabbed me and pulled in.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it." He slurs.
I felt bad as I started at his bloody face even though his dumbass started the fight.
"Let's get an Uber home." I say and he shakes his head and pulls me down to sit on the grass as I order our ride home. As I do so Jack lays down putting his head in my lap. I can't help but to play with his hair as we wait.

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