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Rosie's P.O.V.
I had my hand on the handle of the door about to open it when I heard Jack whisper.
"Rosie. It's not worth it. Don't cause yourself more pain." His words sunk deep and I realized he was right mostly because I realized the person I wanted most was laying in my bed.
I tiptoed quietly back to my side of of the bed and getting comfortable under the blankets.
"Dude just go home!!" I heard Nate shout. It got silent for little.
"Rosie I know you're in there and just please know I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Nate said with a croak in almost sounded if he easy crying.
I felt Jack pull me in close to him and the unsureness I was feeling washed away. Jacks scent calmed me down when I thought the tears were going to resurface. I'm so happy he decided to stay with me tonight. I started to wonder how long this was going to last. Was jack going to keep treating me so nicely when we got home from spring break or would he turn into his usually ride self. I know Madison said in Nates text that she doesn't have him but I still think her claws are still attached to him and I'm not sure I want to deal with that situation. My mind wouldn't stop racing until Jack started to run his fingers through my hair. It was so peaceful it put me to sleep.
I woke up to an empty bed and I could hear voices out in living room. It sounded like an argument but it quickly stopped as I heard the front door slam. I was timid about even going out by everybody. They probably all know that Nate and I are done and I just felt so embarrassed. I was pulled from my thoughts from a knock on the door. I slowly opened it to see Mia standing there and so much relief washed over me. I needed her. She walked in and shut the door behind her.
She wrapped her arms around me a hugged me tightly.
"What went down last night?" She asked
I told her everything from start to finish and didn't leave out details. I even told her about Jack.
"Well that would explain why he walked out of your room this morning. Nate was not to happy about that..." she said
"He was up already?" I asked
"Honestly it looked like he barely slept. It looked kind of like he had been crying all night but let's face it he deserved it. He thought the grass might be greener on the other side and he was wrong. There's also a huge chance he wasn't lying about just wanting to take your virginity. He's an asshole." I slowly nodded my head
"So who's the one who slammed the door and left?" I asked
"Well Nate took off first and Sammy followed after him then Jack left and Johnson followed him. Sammy and Johnson are just trying to make sure both are alright." She sighs "let's stop being sad and forgot about everything! This is suppose to be spring break!! I say we go and get our nails done and then get some drinks!" She says trying to make me laugh
"Girls day?" I ask smiling
"GIRLS DAY!!" We both shout and laugh
"Be ready in 30 minutes!!" She says leaving my room to let me get ready.
I just put on a simple white shirt and with jeans that have holes on the knees. I did a simple hair look and did a perfect natural makeup look for once.
"Are you ready yet?" I shouted from the living room
"Yes finally." Mia laughs as she walks out of her room
"I need some fucking coffee and then get my nail mother fucking did.." Mia and I look at each other as the words leave my mouth and we both crack up laughing.
This was a great start to my day. I was feeling refreshed and renewed. It's amazing what a cup of coffee and pampering yourself can do.
"I haven't heard from any of the guys today not even Sammy." Mia says a little bit sadder about Sammy
"Who cares. It's spring break and if he chooses to try to help Nate feel better about him being a douche bag then let him. Let's go get a drink and let the real fun begin." I say
"Wow where is this Rosie coming from?" She ask
"Look I'm tired of the quote on quote stick in the mud and I'm tired of this whole Nate or Jack drama. I just want to go crazy. I mean come in we're in Miami with fake IDs"
"You're absolutely right! Let's go fuck shot up!" She laughs
We walk around until we find a bar that we both like.
We enter the bar and the music was flowing causing the chills of wanting to dance to run up my back. I pulled Mia to the bar and ordered us each shots and a drink.
"Are you wanting to dance?" Mia laughs
"How can you tell?" I ask
"You haven't stopped moving since we can in." She laughs
"Then let's go!!!" I say grabbing her and our drinks and moving us out onto the dance floor.
I couldn't believe how many people were already out drinking this early in the day but when in Miami I guess. I danced and danced for what felt like hours it was so calming to me. The energy in the bar was just perfect.
"Hey let's get another drink! I'm dying!!" Mia says and I agree.
We find a seat at the bar and catch our breath. I don't know where all my energy was even coming from but I felt like I could still continue to dance. Before we even had a chance to order drinks the bar tender was sitting down 4 shots and a drink for each of us.
"We didn't order these." Mia says confused
"Yeah the the guys over there did!" She said pointing to guys were actually extremely good looking. I smiled at them and tilted my drink towards them and they both got up and started walking towards us
"What are you doing?" Mia asked laughing and taking a sip of her drink.
"Just having fun! Making new friends!"
Both guys were extremely nice and we started to have good conversation but before long in walked Johnson and Jack. I took my two shots and rolled my eyes. I wasn't mad at Jack but he snuck out of my room this morning and said nothing to me before leaving for the entire day. I don't even know why I was letting it get to me. We weren't anything to each other besides friends. I was having such an amazing day and of course out of all the bars in Miami they end up at the same one as us.
"So we're having a party tonight if you ladies would like to come? You can even bring the friends you said you came here with!" One of the guys smiled at me
"Did someone say party?" Johnson asked as he and Jack asked up to us.
Jack looked very irritated as he looked between Mia and I and these guys. Jack walked behind me and wrapped is arms around me and just stood there hanging over me. This motion took everyone by surprise a little.
Johnson and the guys started talking about the party and I could tell the one guy must of liked me because  he kept looking from Johnson to me and Jack. I watched Jacks jaw tense up every time the guy looked our way.
It was a little awkward especially since Jack and I haven't said one word between each since since he wrapped is arms around me.
"We'll be there!" Johnson said to the guys and they all smiled and left after letting us know where it would be.
"Johnson you mind walking back to the hotel with Mia so I can take Rosie to get some food?" He asked
Both Mia and I looked stunned huh the words that left his mouth but nobody objected.
So then here I was walking down the street in Miami's with Jack while he held my hand as he looked for somewhere for us to eat. Neither one of us had said one word yet and I was interested to see what he would say once he decided to talk.

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