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Rosie's P.O.V.
I couldn't help the tears from spilling as I texted my parents I wasn't coming home. I was to embarrassed to even tell them what happened. I couldn't even think what I could have possibly done wrong for me to deserve this. Did Jack really hate me? He just wanted to get into my pants and I'm so dumb that I let him.
"Rosie wait!" I turned to see Nate running out of prom after me.
"Nate go back inside and have a fun prom." I say
"I didn't even want to come Sammy made me. Plus it seems like you could really use a friend right now." He pulls me in for a hug and I cried for a second then slowly pull away from him.
"Thank you.." I say wiping away some of my tears
"How about we do something fun?" He ask me
"Can we stop at your house so I can change? I don't really want to go to mine roght now." I ask him
"Yeah of course. I need to change too anyways. Give me your keys I'll drive." He says and I nod handing over my keys and getting into the passenger side of my car.
It only took us about 25 minutes to change and get back into the car.
"So what are we gonna do?" I ask still unsure if tears would fall at any moment
"Well first I'm starving I don't know about you so I say let's get some food then the rest is a surprise." He smiles
"I'm not sure I'm hungry but I'll try." I smile back him
We pulled up to steak and shake and my stomach surprisingly started to rumble. Nate laughed as he heard my stomach.
"See anyone gets hungry when they see steak and shake." I laugh with him
The diner was relatively empty which made the experience so much better. A Nutella milkshake and a cheeseburger is the only thing I could think about as we sat down. The food did not take long at all to come out and I instantly started to devour it.
"You know nobody's gonna steak your food right?" Nate asked
"Shut up I didn't realize how hungry I was." I laughed and Nate just smiled at me.
"Where to now?" I ask as we pull out of the steak and shake parking lot.
"I told you it was a secret.." he smiles
I was surprised to be pulling into the beach.
"So the beach was the surprise?" I asked and Nate stayed silent as he parked.
We slowly started walking down the beach path and I noticed some lights and a fire started. I cocked an eyebrow. I almost started to cry again as I seen all my friends standing there smiling at me.
"Why aren't you guys at prom?" I asked hugging Mia.
"It sucked because I couldn't enjoy it with my best friend." Mia hugged me tighter.
"Alright let's get this party started." Johnson shouted
I sat next to Mia and laughed as we watched Johnson and Sammy shotgun a beer each. I noticed Sammys hand a looked a little bloody.
"What happened to Sammys hand?" I asked her
"Well after what Jack did they got into a little argument. So Sammy punched Jack." My eyes were wide
"He didn't have to do that." I sigh
"He knows but the way Jack was acting. He was being such a douche bag. Not just to you but Sammy and Johnson. Madison was just egging Jack on. Sammy had enough." She said and shrugged.
I sat in my thoughts as I watched everyone having a good time around me. I can't help to think after I leave my friends tonight my emotions are going to overwhelm me. I was exactly sad right now but I wasn't the happiest either. I had a feeling once I go home I'm going to feel nothing but sadness.
"Cmon lets go for a swim!" Mia tugged on me
"I don't have a swimsuit.."
"So let's go in our underwear and bra! It's the same thing as a bathing suit." I thought about she was right and started to strip off my clothes with her.
We rushed the water and was nervous to see what it felt like I was surprised that it was not as cold as I thought it was.
"Let's play chicken" Johnson yells as the guys join in
I hop onto Johnson's shoulders as Mia gets on Sammys. We battled it out for a good 10 minutes before Mia finally fell into the water.
"WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!" Johnson yelled laughing and throwing me off his shoulders into the water.
I couldn't help but laugh as I came up from the water. Everyone was swimming around and messing with each other and I realized how much I truly appreciated my friends. They were always there for me when I needed them most. I may have lost a lot of things like my dignity this senior year but I started off with Mia being my only true close friend and now I have Sammy, Johnson, and Nate. I couldn't be more blessed. I couldn't help but feel this moment would only be better if I still had Jack by my side but it's a done deal it's over. I will never let myself look so stupid ever again. I started to get a little cold so I started to head back towards the bonfire.
My heart dropped to my stomach as I seen Jack standing next to the fire.
"Dude what are you doing here?" Mia yelped
"I need to talk to Rosie." He said softly
"Not going to happen." Mia said
"It's fine." I said putting my clothes back on. "I'll be back in five minutes."
I watched the whole group stare at us as we walked away from there ears. I kept my distance from Jack not getting anywhere close to him.
I stared at Jack and he stared back at me.
"Are you going to say something or are you just going to keep staring at me?" I barked
"Always so much attitude." He laughs
"Shut up. You're so fucking annoying. You know what I don't want to hear anything from you. I don't want to hear some stupid apology that doesn't mean anything. I'm tired of hearing your fucking apologies. I will never look as stupid as I did tonight. I mean never. I'd be a fucking clown to sit here and listen to you mumble another sorry. You can also have this back." I ran to my car and grabbed the prom dress out of my car and threw it at Jack.
"I bought this dress for you." He said
"The dress is nothing but a memory of embarrassment. I can't believe I let you take my virginity. Was that all it was Jack? From the moment we became project partners and you found out I was a virgin was your conquest? You love playing games and winning them. Guess what you won but I will not let you keep playing me like a game. I hate you. This time I mean it." A tear started to fall from my eye and I quickly wiped it away as he just started at me with sad eyes.
I quickly ran to my car and just started to drive. I needed to calm down and just breath. It felt impossible at the moment. Finally I pulled my car over in town and got out and just started walking. I stopped on a bridge and just watched the few cars passed on the highway below. The tears finally started to flow and I was ugly crying. It felt like a hour before I stopped crying and just sat there watching the town with a red puffy face. It was actually really beautiful at this exact moment. I looked at my phone and realized it was already 5 am how did time get away from me so fast? I finally decided it was time to go home and sleep my day away.

(A/N) hope you guys like this chapter :) please don't forget to vote :)

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