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Rosie's P.O.V.
I kept my word about sleeping my whole entire day away on Sunday. I only stayed awake maybe 3 hours on Sunday and went right back to sleep. Now here we are Monday morning and it's senior ditch day. I conatiplayed the three hours I was awake yesterday if I should just go to school or hang out with Mia and the guys like we planned weeks ago. My friends always put me in a better mood but I felt like my mood was not going to change today. I felt hollow. The love that I once felt radiating through my body was gone. I could only feel hatred in my bones. I always felt hate was a strong word but I had no other word to feel then hate towards Jack. There was little ounce of hatred for myself deep down. I hated myself for being so stupid. Stupid to think Jack Gilinsky would ever feel the same way about me. Stupid to think letting him take my virginity was something special. I thought he was different. He showed me he was different. Only he was wearing a mask. A mask that showed he was happy and cared about me and even maybe loved me back. Is this me confessing I was in love with Jack? Possibly. If it was the feeling is long gone now.
"Are you ready to go?" Mia asked peeking her head into my bedroom.
"Yeah.. sure." I said grabbing my phone and following her out to Sammy's car.
"Are you guys ready for the time of your life?" Johnson asked as I started out the window searching for who knows what.
"Earth to Rosie" Johnson laughs as I realized I'm the only person who hasn't answered
"Oh yeah sorry." I said wearing a fake smile
"What exactly are we doing?" I ask
"Paint balling" Nate smiled
"Well it's not actually paint balling. I'm not sure what to even call it but it's balloons filled with paint we get to have a paint war with." Sammy smiles
"Um I didn't really dress for this.." I say not wanting to ruin my clothes
"Don't worry they give you these white suits to out of the top of your clothes." Johnson smiles
In less then 15 minutes after our conversation and listening to Johnson sing obnoxiously we were at 'Art Wars' place of establishment.
Sammy paid for anyone even though I fussed about paying for myself. After a two minute argument Sammy paid for everyone still. We all got dressed in our white suits and strapped our googles on our faces. Mia and I laughed uncontrollably with how we looked.
"You guys ready to play?" Nate asked
"Hold ok group picture!" I shout and ask the employee to kindly take some pictures of us before we're covered in paint.
"Don't forget to take ones after!" Mia shouts as we both grab our bag balloons.
"Guys against girls?" Sammy ask
"No fair that's uneven." Mia whines
"Yeah! We got this Mia!" I smile and and she smiles back nodding in a agreement.
We all take off to different parts of the maze waiting for the buzzer to go off. Within minutes the loud buzz is ringing through our ears and Mia and I have taken off finding hiding places. It feels like the boys are absent because I have no seen them once that is until I see Mia covered in red paint. I throw a balloon as hard as I can as Nate runs past me. I hurriedly run to my next hiding spot as my green paint splatters all over his white suit. I tiptoe my way around the maze as I noticed Johnson crouching down behind a barrier locked and loaded with his balloons. I walk as quietly as I can grabbing a balloon from my bag. I squeezed the balloon in my hands as hard as I could causing it explode over the top of his head. I couldn't help the laughter escaping my lips as I tried to run away from him.
"Oh that's it." He laughs
He was way to fasts for me as I look down and noticed my crisp white suit was now dyed blue. As I ran laughing I bumped into someone. Thankfully it was Mia. We both decided to back each other up and walk to find the guys to blast them. Before we know we were corned by all three guys. Screaming we threw as many balloons as we could causing a rainbow of colors to blast through the air and all over us. The buzzer sounded signaling the game was over. We all laughed at each other as paint stained our clothes, faces and hair. Especially Johnson as his blonde hair now had a tint of green to it.
We were able to wash a little bit in their bathrooms but we're still a little paint stained until we were able to shower.
"I need food now..." Mia laughed rubbing her rumbling tummy
"Agreed." We all said in sync
We ended up at some random diner I've never been to before in town.
"Oh my this chicken wrap sounds heavenly. What are you getting?" She ask me
"A burger like always." I laugh
"Always like a girl who could eat!" Sammy says making Mia roll her eyes and laugh.
"Aye over here!" I hear Johnson waived to someone.
I was stunned to look up and see Jack about to sit at our table. I was even more stunned that Madison wasn't here with him. Mia looked as shocked as I did. I just dug my head further into my menu avoiding all eye contact with Jack. I looked over to see Mia texting Sammy.
'What is he doing here Sammy?'
'Johnson invited him'
'Because he's still our friend. We're not happy with what he did but we've been friends since we were 7. I hope Rosie's not mad at us.'
"I'm not mad. Just leave it alone." I whisper to Mia
I wasn't happy Jack was here but Sammy is right. They've been friends since they were young and so have Mia and I. I couldn't imagine canceling her out of my life.
I stayed quiet most of the time at the diner and so did Jack. The bill came and grabbed it before anybody could object.
"Hey what are you doing?" Nate asked
"Don't worry I got it. Still have a lot of prom money my dad gave me I never got to use." I knew that one had to sting a little as I walked up to the cashier stand to pay our bill.
As I stand and waited for the lady to bring back my change. I felt someone's presence next to me.
"Can we talk please?" Jack asked me as I looked over to find him
"Wow I didn't know please was in your vocabulary and I'm pretty sure when we talked the other day I made it clear where I stand. I don't think we need to have another conversation." I breath
"Yeah but," Jack starts to say
"Look we do the beach clean up this Saturday and we never have to talk to each other again. Like I've said before whatever this was it's over." I grab my change from the woman and walk out the diner doors. I decided to walk home and enjoy the sun setting. A small part of still felt like crying and I did t want to do that in front of everybody.
(A/N) this book will be going under some major editing so I'm not sure when the next update will be. I hope it will not take me long though. I only see this writing being a couple more chapters but I do have an idea for a second book following this one. I'm not sure if I should make a second or just make this one relatively longer and skip some time in between? What are your guys thoughts? I could use some feedback from you guys! Also please don't forget to vote :)

Defective ➻ J.G.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora