Chapter seven

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(A/N: I put a few bad words here and there, i'm just having my fun. I got a lot to do with this chapter, my goodness.  Also, this chapter was something different, i'm still testing point of views, it's a lot of work but i'm living.)

**(Williams Pov)**

I'd call (Y/N) 3 times, {'usually she would pick up'}  it's after 8 and i'm confused. Why did I even ask her to take this job? I feel horrible for that.  {'I'm going to her house to see if shes home.'}

I drove over to her house, I knocked regularly, the door was unlocked.  "That's...surprising?"  I'd walked in to see if she was home,  "(Y/N)!"  I called to her, no answer. I went up to her bedroom to see if shes sleeping, usually she'd open the door and be sorta angry at me just for being upstairs. I'd opened her bedroom door, to see an messy but empty room. A note was on her dresser. 

|'Dear William, I know you're in my room, ya goof. I'm at the pizzeria, you better come over. I fixed the animatronics, but someone else is in building, I don't know who.'|

This isn't (Y/N)'s hand writing but it's close, it's too neat and on blank paper.  {'Welp time to see what could happen at the pizzeria, i'm kinda scared.}  I drove over to the pizzeria to find the animatronics all in place but they weren't fix, I can tell. Freddy's jaw is unhinged and the scratches on Baby aren't cleaned, Ballora's pose wasn't right from the normal ballerina one and Foxy hasn't moved since (3 days) ago. The door shut behind me, and a single spot light was placed on someone, on her.

"Well hello William, it's so nice to see you here, again. I've missed you so much. You don't know what I had to do, to get you here, to see me again. I was worried you wouldn't show up. Wowie, you seem mad at me, that's fine love."

She moved closer to me and brushed up on me,  "well Will, after you kicked me out for that bimbo of a female. I was thinking on things. We both aren't human, we're immortal but you choose that human for some reason. Does she even love you, like I do?  you can be happy with me, and we can have a family ...won't you join me, love?" 

She held out her hand, I looked at her in disgust. What did she means shes not human?   "No, I won't join you're fuckin' batshit crazy, if you have a chance me, you're blind. I'll never love you. Where's (Y/N)?"  "I knew you would say that William, she's losing oxygen somewhere cold. You'll love me eventually. I know you will"  She had a knife and tried to stab me, I dodged it. Every time she try to hit or stab me, I would dodge easily. I was getting more pissed off as more  time passed. What does she want out of this? 

"Fight me! you coward!"   "Nah, I don't hit women" she slashed me in the face, I was pissed but I kept my cool. She got me again and again, she wanted me to be at my limit. She got a butcher knife and tried to hit me with it  "please stop, now"  "No! what? ya getting mad at little ol' me?"  "yeah I am, You don't want me mad."  "Well fight then, and we won't have this problem."

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