Chapter 61

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I sat on my bed and stared blankly at the wall.

Why did it turn out this way? It was going so well...

"Fix this." I whispered emptily to nobody in particular.

"FIX THIS!" I yelled to the air, grabbing my pillow and chucking it across the room. My anger disappeared the second I looked back at my bed.

There was nothing under my pillow. My necklace. It wasn't there.

I leapt up and franctically searched the room. It wasn't there. It wasn't there. The thing that could fix all of this wasn't there. Someone took it.

I suddenly remembered the strange woman from Knockturn Alley who gave me an identical copy of Dumbledore's wand and my necklace back. I'll find her for help. I dug my hand into the pocket inside my robes, nervously checking to make sure that both my wand and Dumbledore's were still there. I let out a sigh of relief when they were still safely tucked away.

I glanced at the spot on my bed where I had left the necklace one more time before turning and leaving the dorm rooms.

The second I exited the Slytherin Dungeon, I ran into Snape. He stared at me for a moment before speaking.

"Where are you going, Alice?" He asked in a warm voice. Something about his smile felt off though. I stared at him, suddenly unsure if I should tell him the truth. His attitude made me uneasy.

"Just going to get something I left in a classroom," I said slowly. Snape kept staring into my eyes, as if he knew I was lying. I tried to walk past him.

"Which class? I'll walk with you," Snape said, shifting to block me from leaving. I looked at him uneasily. He wasn't acting like he was earlier when he was listening to me sob about Draco.

"No way, people will think I landed myself a detention or something. I have to hurry so I can go meet up with Pansy anyways, she's hopeless with her Muggle Studies," I said as I tried to get away again. Snape moved to block me.

"You can take your time, Pansy won't fail Muggle Studies." Snape said, his smile now looking eerie and extremely unnatural. My mind flashed to how she had told me about her "extra credit" with Snape.

"Well even if she somehow manages to pass that, I still told her I was going to meet up with her, and she'll eat me for breakfast if I show up late," I said desperately. Something was up with Snape.

I tried to move past him one more time. He raised his arm to stop me. I panicked and swiftly whipped out my wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled. Snape blocked it with little effort. I turned and ran as fast as I could.

"Accio Leggos!" I whispered urgently, remembering the muggle toys in the Muggle Studies classroom. Hermione mentioned something about them being painful and annoying on the floor or something.


I paced around infront of the entrance to the Room of Requirement, trying to focus.

A path to get away. A path to get away. A path to get away!

I looked up, and a door had appeared. I hastily went inside and slammed it shut behind me. I kept my hands on the door, as if Snape would try to come in at any second and I could stop him or something. I was breathing heavily, and didn't even notice I was alone until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched before freezing completely.

"Alice, why are you here?" Neville asked. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was just some Gryffindors. 

"Why are you here?" I asked as a wave of confusion hit me. Why weren't they in the Gryffindor Common Rooms? Glancing around, I saw some large jars laying around.

"We're hiding from the teachers," Seamus said calmly. I furrowed my eyebrows. It got that bad? I shook the thoughts of pity out of my head and looked around the room. They didn't look like they enjoyed talking to me too much.

"I'm running from Snape. Is there a way to get to Knockturn Alley?" I asked as I poked my head around the room. Seamus paused for a moment, as if wondering if he should help me, before moving.

He reached into one of the large jars he was sitting next to and walked over to me. He held his closed fist infront of me, waiting for me to hold my hands out. When I did, he dropped his handful of powder into my open palms. Floo powder.


I stood in the area where I had met the strange witch, feeling stupid. Did I expect her to be here or something? I didn't even know what to call her by.

"Umm... Hello?" I called into the darkness. Nobody was around.

"Deathly Hallows woman?" I asked, trying to think of a way to call her that she might recognize as herself if she heard.

"I need to talk to you. About the Pathmaker and-" I started to say. At the word 'Pathmaker,' I heard a sound in the darkness. Strange footsteps of someone's walking.

"Yeh lost it, girl? Had't stolen." A broken voice said softly in an eerie whisper.

I stood, terrified as she got close enough for me to see her clearly in the darkness. She continued to keep walking until she was mere inches away from my face. I was looking down at her due to her height, yet it felt like I she was the one in power.

"Did yeh know? My dear creation will stay loyal till teh' death of its master. Is a grand thing, isn't it?" She cackled maniaclly, "And ev'n then, it'll only go to teh' person yer closest teh'. Not physically, a' course."

"The person closest to me is-" I started, but the woman cut me off with a piercing stare. I started breathing heavily, suddenly finding it hard to get enough air.

The woman started to transform infront of me, her scarred and wrinkled face seeming to lose years by the second. Her image was shifting rapidly between the appearances of different people. For a moment, I thought I saw my mother, but her face was gone as soon as it appeared, morphing into some other woman.

When the witch opened her mouth to speak, her accent was gone and her voice sounded like many in perfect unison. An eerie chorus.

"You are Springs. You're a fool for ever thinking that man -- Snape -- is your father. He separated you from your House and threatened the boy into leaving you for your own safety. What do you think he was after?" The woman whispered into my ear before disappearing into the darkness.

I slid down to the floor, panting and unable to stay up. Snape wanted to become the person closest to me. He wanted to push everyone I loved away. To kill me and take my necklace. 

Draco still loved me.


~Totally Casual 3rd Person~

Far away in a cave in the mountains, an owl was trapped in a cage. She was sprawled across the bottom, seemingly frozen in time. Nothing could come in to feast on her dead body, and the magic of the cave would not allow her inanimate body to rot away.

In the rush of their own lives, none of the two remembered that Lysa had been left to starve in an enchanted cave.

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