Break up~part 2

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(The north hall)

Louis had just left his classroom, he peeked around the corner. No one was there, he was in the clear. Usually, people would take pictures of him since he was so rich and popular.
Louis heard footsteps around the corner. For a second, he thought it was the principal, but then he heard "Louis! Are you here?!" Clem's voice.
"Yep." He responded.
"Where? Are you hiding?" She asked.
"Maybe..." he teased.
"Oh dear lord." She put her palm on her forehead.
"Fine, Fine, I'll come out." He stepped out of the dark.  Then, Clem hugged him.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She said.
"I doubt you're gonna see me again if you squeeze so hard. Jeez..." he barely got the words out.
"Oh! Sorry." She released her grip.
They both stared at each other for a while.
"So, uh... are we a 'thing' again?" He said, breaking the silence and scratching the back of his neck.
"Yes! I mean, if you're okay with it..." she blushed.
"Duh, why would I ask?" He said sarcastically.
"You idiot." She said bluntly.
Part 3 will be soooon

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