Lee VS Louis p4

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"I can tell." Violet said, daydreaming a little.
"Violet! Help me! Don't be fucking daydreaming!" He now paced around the room.

"I am! You shit head. You're my best friend... well, you and Clem both. I want to help you... and by doing that... I think you should let Clem be with her 'dad' and DON'T argue with her, it could be her 'time of the month'. Also, she hasn't seen him in like years."
"I know that Violet, I just want to like apologize, and... you know..."
"Shit, that's like the simplest thing! Why didn't you just tell me!?" Violet smiled, Louis stared.
"Then I guess I'll just tell her tomorrow, breakfast." Louis's eyes teared up, he quickly looked away.

"Louis, are you-are you crying?" Violet asked.
"What? N-no... Maybe.... me and Clem had never gotten into 'this much' of a fight. And... I love her, I don't want to lose her. Everything would be fine if it wasn't for... 'him'. He's manipulating her! I know he is!"
"Okay, okay. See you tomorrow, you goof." Vi waved as she walked out the door.
The next day (breakfast)

Louis slowly walked out the school, he 'almost' looked like he was drunk, just by the way he was acting. He was the last one out which was odd, he usually was the third to be up. Clementine whispered in Violet's ear:
"What's wrong with him?"
"Oh him? He was just crying all night... and he was trying to think of a way to apologize."
"Oh no, I'm gonna go talk to him..." Violet grabbed her arm.
"Clementine, just remember: Louis loves you and always will. Just because of 'this' doesn't mean that you need to end things."
Clem nodded with a smile. She walked over to the empty picnic table, only seated by Louis.

"Hey baby." Clem said, taking a seat next to him.
"Hey, Clementine..." he looked at her, nervously.
Clem looked at him with her golden brown eyes.
"Go ahead, do it." Louis said.
"Do what."
"Dump me." He blankly said.
"What! No!" She hugged him tightly.

Across the courtyard... Lee was watching...
"I'm gonna kill that mother fucker." He said under his breath.
Violet walked over to Willy, she heard everything (everything that Lee said).

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