Lee VS Louis p3

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"What? Such a fucking shocker?! GOODNIGHT CLEMENTINE!" Louis grabbed his coat and stormed out the room.
"FUCK YOU!" Clementine yelled. She knew he couldn't hear her, it was just good to get it out.
"Hey sweet pea, everything okay?" Lee said, peeking his head through the door (he had came in a minute after).
"No, not really." She said angrily.
"I know it's tough, but these things will happen. You'll get through it. But... If things don't work out.." he said, kind of relived that they had just gotten into a fight and could possibly break up.
"Lee, I love him. It's not usual for him to be this angry. I.... shouldn't have yelled at him..." she said, kind of feeling a bit bad.

(The next day)
Louis woke up, having a headache. Everything was fine until he remembered last night. He instantly became angry. He walked over to the piano and played terrible tunes.
"Louis? Is everything okay?" Violet asked, peeking in through the cracked door.

"No. Clementine's stupid 'dad' is onto me! She doesn't believe me but I KNOW he has something against me! Me and Clem got into a big fight last night and I actually fought back."
"Damn. That's... well, fucked up." She said, standing next to the piano.
"I know! And... I feel like such a dick for yelling at her."
"You are... especially when you make those god awful jokes."
"You know, if you're not gonna help you can take your white ass out of here."
"Hey! Talk like that and I'll smack your teeth out."
"Ugh, sorry. I'm just stressed out okay..."
"I can tell."

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