Chapter 40: Trouble in paradise

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1 year later


"Hey lovebirds. How was your tour of Asia?".

"Absolutely amazing! I wish we could have stayed there longer" I beamed up at our favourite couple as they handed over our spare house keys.

"Seriously? You guys were away for 6 months!" James tutted as he wrapped his arm lovingly around Isabella.

"And we'd gladly stay out longer, but reality calls. Plus Rosie hasn't been feeling too great".

"Oh really?" Isabella questioned staring from us to James with her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. I think I ate something that really didn't agree with my stomach and mixed with the flying I don't think that helped either. I'm sure a day or two of resting will help. But thank you for looking after the house and our cat".

Dean wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his tired head on my shoulder hinting he wanted to drop this conversation and head to bed.

"It's not a problem. Nugget was a little rascal of course. Blooming cat scared off nearly all of the dogs in your neighbourhood. She's fierce".

Nugget crept her way through James' legs and purred loudly nuzzling her head against his trousers in content.

"I still laugh every time I call her by her name. Nugget" Isabella held back a laugh as she stared down at our munchkin.

"Hey, I was drunk ok? And she's our baby, don't disrespect her name" I grumbled defensively.

We all let out a laugh as Nugget meowed in response to her name and walked back inside our home as if she owned the place.

"Speaking of babies, have you guys thought"-

"No. We won't be having a baby for quite some time". I bit my lip subtly hearing his sudden cold tone. We had never really gone into discussion about having children. I knew I wanted to have kids someday, but Dean was always on the side line. So I left it.

The atmosphere suddenly turned tense. No one said a word for no one knew what to say. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat increasing in speed as we simply stared at one another in silence.

"Well, um Isabella and I have to go pick up the kids. We've left the place tidy for you. Rest up you two".

I smiled sheepishly at James and Isabella as they walked around us whispering a quiet goodbye before stepping into their car and pulling out of the drive.

"Thank god they're gone. I need sleep". Dean picked up my suitcase and carried it along with his inside leaving me alone on our porch surrounded by silence.

"You coming?" He yelled out from the hallway.

"Y-Yeah" I said nervously whilst his previous words swarmed around in my head.

"Maybe I'm over thinking it".


1 week later

"Is there anything else we need to get?".

"Umm. No don't think so. But I need the toilet. Would you be okay getting this lot through the till and I'll meet you at the car?".

Dean smiled lovingly at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Of course baby".

Turning the other direction, I ran off towards the pharmacy section and picked up the one thing I wasn't expecting to pick up during our shopping trip. The sickness that I had thought was due to food had not stopped. It had been a week and I was far from feeling better. I had to check to be certain.

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