GOT7 as mythological creatures

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JB -- Vampire

Do we agree that JB gives this sexy vampire vibe? 

Fiercly dominant & possess great ounces of ambition. His leadership is unquestionable driven in all his endeavors whether it be music or variety games. So chic & will do everything for the ones he cares for.

Mark -- Werewolf

Werewolves are known to be fiercely loyal and that's exactly what Mark is, also solitary quiet creatures, qualities I find in him as well. They demand respect & attention & as the eldest of the group he has gained the respect & admiration of the other members.

Jackson -- Phoenix

Golden bird who bursts into flames only to be reborn again. Regardless of all the hate & criticism he receives, he proves to be better & stronger day by day. Known to be wise. Despite Jackson's variety like persona he imparts his wisdom on others such as JY.

Jinyoung -- Angel

Angels are considered as creatures of purity destined in many cases to the protection of human beings. Jinyoung's kind-hearted & motherly like nature certainly have shaped his persona to match this. And let's not forget his love for reading and knowledge.

Youngjae -- Mermaid

Myth depicts mermaids/mermans with heart-stoppingly voices. This boy has the voice of an angel. They've been known to be very beautiful & and have a gentle nature & Youngjae embodies all the above. He treats the members so kindly and has a gentle heart.

BamBam -- Fairy

He's playful & extra just like a fairy. These creatures are infamous for playing tricks but also for their kindness and love for beautiful things. Given Bam's breakout as a fashionista, his own adoration for luxurious clothes is very known.

Yugyeom -- Pixie

 Pixies are magical creatures who throw parties. Beloved for their childlike appearance & bubbly spirits even tho they do play  occasional pranks. Idk about you but this describes Yugyeom 100%. He's not small like a pixie but he is definitely playful and kind-hearted.

original thread by @weirdoahgase on instagram

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