Break ups with them

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It would be incredibly hard for him to come to terms with himself that he feels this way. He seems very stubborn, so he would eventually have to push himself. He seems like he has a huge pride as well, so the last thing he'd want to do is come off as begging. He'd start off by asking to meet up and tell you straight up what he's feeling. If you agree to try again, he would try his best to communicate and listen to you more.


He seems like he's the type to take a while (depending on the person, it would obviously vary how long) to get over someone. He seems like you'd be on his mind all the time, no matter what he's doing, you would pop up in his head. He would think that it's impossible to move on and he would start off by maybe even texting a simple "hey" just to get your attention, but he'd have to tell you in a way where he can immediately get a reaction (whether it be calling or in person). If you agree to try again, he would try his best to give you his full attention and communicate more.


Like Jaebeom, it would be a bit difficult for him. He seems like he'd want things to be set in stone that it's done and over with, but him wanting you back would mess with his stubborn mind a little bit. He would try to talk to you seriously in an area and time where he knows that neither of you would get distracted or interrupted. He seems like he'd try to talk to you to see where exactly things went wrong and if you agree to try again, he would try his best to avoid those things from happening again.


Like Mark, he seems like someone who can easily occupy his mind 100% of the time. No matter what he does, it's hard for you to leave his mind. Similar to Mark and Jackson, he'd be too stubborn at first to contact you. He would try to let things occupy his mind,but to no avail you're still there. He seems like, similar to Jackson, he'd want to schedule something  where you two can meet up without any distractions and talk about your relationship. If you agree to try again, he would really give you a lot of attention and better treatment.


Similar to Mark and Jinyoung, you're always going to be on his mind and it's going to drive him crazy. He can't stop thinking of your smile, your laugh, your voice; he wants to be back together with you. He would actually go out of his way to go to your house because it's been eating him alive how much he wants to get back with you. The way he would approach the conversation would feel as if he was begging. If you agree to try again, he would be very hesitant to make the wrong move; he's really trying his best.


Like JB and Jackson, it would take him a while to actually go out of his way and confront you. Because of this, when he finally does it, it could come off as if he's begging when he approaches you. Because he seems to have a bit of pride, he's trying his hardest not to sound like that, but he can't help it. If you agree to try again, everything he thinks went wrong, he would try his best to avoid


He seems like he would take the least amount of time to tell you how he feels. There's just something there that draws him back so quickly. He really wants to meet you now, he'd try to make it seem urgent. He seems like right before he's abou to talk to you, he'd want to turn back and just throw everyting out of the window, but he just wouldn't be able to. When he's talking to you, he's avoiding eye contact because he remembers the break up, but when he tells you the real reason why he's there, he looks you in the eyes. If you agree to try again, he'd listen to your needs very carefully.

originial reaction by @got7softhours on instagram

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