Sleep with them

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-runs his hand through your hair while you fall asleep

-his arm wrapped around your waist/torso

-you hear his soft breathing as his lips are slightly parted next to you

-soft snoring

-rolls over and pulls you with him, so you're now lying on his chest

-both arms around you, engulfing you in a warm hug

-you two never let go of each other, there's always some sort of contact


-strokes your cheek while you fall asleep

-big fan of spooning, he's always the big spoon

-his face snuggled in your neck, taking in your scent

-doesn't really move in his sleep but when you roll over to face him, his arms always pull you in closer

-loves the feeling of you in his arms

-sighs in his sleep, youn can feel his breath by your neck

-if you wake up and tell him you're cold, he pulls you into his chest and wraps both arms around you


-kisses your nose while you fall asleep

-is a complete SOFTIE

-hugs you tightly and strokes your back, not letting go

-your legs are tangled together under the sheets

-always has at least one arm wrapped around you as you fall asleep facing each other

-likes stroking/rubbing your thighs

-always puts your needs before his e.g. if you're warm he will turn on the air conditioning

-will carry you to bed like a princess if you fall asleep on the couch

-fluffy, he always needs to cuddle you


-rubs your back while you fall asleep

-stares at you, admiring your beauty

-likes it when you lay your head on his chest so he can wrap both arms around you

-he is a light sleeper, so he feels you moving around and gives you soft pecks whenever you do

-into spooning, will never let you be the big spoon

-won't show it but he gets flustered when you unexpectedly pull him into your arms

-wakes up when you have a nightmare and cuddles you back to sleep, rubbing your back and whispering words of comfort


-sings you a lullaby while you fall asleep

-loves hugging you

-has both arms around you, engulfing you in his warmth

-puts his head on your shoulder

-is a deep sleeper and moves around a lot but always makes sure he's still holding you in some way

-snores and sings in his sleep but it doesn't bother you

-cuddles before sleeping and after waking up EVERYDAY without fail


-kisses your forehead while you fall asleep

-he may not show it, but he is really uncomfortable without you next to him

-moves around a lot and sometimes puts his legs on top of you

-sleeps facing you, your faces are inches apart

-might wake up in the middle of the night to pee but will then stare at your beauty before falling asleep again

-is quite romantic, he will compliment how adorable you look when you sleep

-probably wakes up on the wrong end of the bed due to all his fidgeting


-intertwines his hand with yours and strokes yours with his thumb while you sleep

-puts his arms around

-is a baby, loves resting his head on your chest

-adorably mumbles in his sleep

-is scared to sleep alone, so always wants you close

-loves it when you stroke his hair, it's his weakness and helps him fall asleep

-smiles as he hears your soft breathing

-when you spoon, he's the big one and always has both arms wrapped and rubbing your stomach to show affection

original thread by @gotsvnfics on instagram

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