When you want to sit on his lap

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-he was actually working in the studio and you came all of a sudden

-just smiled and then started working again without realizing anything

-"y/n can you please bring me some water?"

-"can I also bring myself there?"

-"you are here already" now he knew what you meant, he kept teasing and then brought you to his lap in a second


-he actually didn't notice at all that you were needy for something

-keeps looking at you bc you were staring  

-smiles like an idiot and makes you wanna go to him more

-when you ask to sit on his lap, he immediately lays a bit back and be prepared bc you won't be leaving for a long time


-he was actually eating and was about to sleep after it

-you kept following him here and there but he was just a bit too tired to realize it

-you start acting all bubbly and asking random stuff

-"y/n angel :( please tell me what's wrong before I sleep?"

-when you tell him, he doesn't even sleep but takes you to his lap and you watch tv together


-he was at the balcony just listening to music and reading 

-you come in and he just takes a blanket and puts it on you bc it was kinda windy

-"you sat so comfortably"

-"wanna come and sit on me then?" he totally recognized something but kept quiet even tho he took you to his lap without saying a thing


-he was actually playing video games with Coco on his lap

-just laughing and then stands up when you come in and gives you a cheek kiss and turns back to his seat

-"youngjae? can I be on Coco's place? :("

-just turns around and you sit on his lap as he plays video games again


-he was just sitting and scrolling through instagram

-when you come in, he just keeps screaming and word "eyooo, hO look who came"  

-actually didn't recognize that you wanted to sit on his lap but just tells you to come and sit next to him

-you just go and sit on his lap and then he just nods and hugs you


-he was taking piano lessons for some reasons

-asks you to come and look at him bc he has been into it for a few weeks

-when you come in, he starts playing it and when it ends he just asks how it was

-"can you teach me the piano too?"

-he nods but didn't expect that you were gonna sit on his lap but it doesn't bother him so he just goes on 

A/N: Thank you guys soooo much for 2.7k reads and 150 stars!!!!! Love y'a!!!! ;<3

original reaction by @jaebumped on instagram

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