058. one day.

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     LOGAN IS eating a small container of shitty Jello when Mike walked in, "hi." He said and Logan glanced up. "Hey..." He said and Mike walked further into the room to make space as Max, Dustin, Lucas, El and Will follow. "Missed you at the party..." Dustin said as they all gathered together and Logan looked down sadly.

"What's today?" He asked as he slowly sat up and set the Jello to the side. "The third... Mr. Clarke found you at the back of the school." Mike said and then he felt all of that pain, pulsating inside of him at the memories. "Oh..." Is all he could say.

"What happened?" Lucas said as he sat down at the end of the hospital bed by his feet. Logan tried to remember, thinking hard as his eyebrows furrow together, looking down at his lap.

Someone grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him backward which caused him to fall onto the floor. "Hey loser." Troy snickered and James laughed despite how lame his insult was.

"Up for a little fun?" Logan looked up and saw Troy grinning from ear to ear like a maniac then he punched Logan right in the nose making the boy fall onto his back on the floor and groan. Then hands tightly gripped him by the ankles.

"They dragged me by my feet... all the way outside and I tried to stop them, yelled and kicked them and even tried to hold onto something but they kept dragging me until we were outside... And then they hit me, kicked me, called me names and... he kept saying he would take out his knife and kill me if I didn't stop screaming... So I did. I gave up." He said and looked down, pursing his lips together.

"Who?" Max leaned over and Logan sniffled. "Troy fucking Hardy and James Pearson..." He said and crossed his arms. "I'm gonna kill them." Mike said suddenly and they all look at him. "What the fuck is wrong with them? Can't they just fucking grow up? It's been six fucking years!" Mike said out of pure anger and Logan slowly grins.

"Aw, look at my baby! First cuss words." He said and El giggled as Max looked down, shaking her head with a small smile. "I'm serious." Mike stepped forward but suddenly his face fell and he reached out, touching Logan's wrist gently with his pointer finger. "I hate seeing you get hurt..." He whispered and Logan frowned slightly.

He looked to the others and sighed. "Can you guys give us a moment... alone?" He said and all of them got up, complying as they head out the door. Logan glanced all around before gesturing Mike to get into the bed next to him, which he did, being careful not to hurt Logan on accident.

He rested his head onto Logan's shoulder and closed his eyes, sighing softly. "I'm sorry I missed the party... Your birthday." Logan said sadly and Mike looked up at him. "Don't be sorry... it's just a birthday. As long as you're safe, as long as you're okay, I don't care..." He said and Logan sighed, biting his bottom lip gently.

"I had this really... weird... vivid dream." He mumbled and Mike furrows his brows. "Oh... Of?" He said and Logan looked at him. When he saw his cute, innocent, brown eyes, he couldn't bare to tell him. "It was of you and I... getting to do whatever we pleased in public. And I loved it. One day." He said and Mike smiled faintly at him.

"One day..." He nodded and even leaned up, pecking Logan's cheek gently. He set his head onto Logan's shoulder again and the boy pursed his lips again but stayed quiet. Mike reached up to the side of Logan's face suddenly, tangling his fingers into the light brown hair. "I miss your black hair..." He pouted a bit as he held himself up.

"I don't." Logan said and smirked a bit. "Made you look more badass... more hot." Mike's cheeks flush red as he said it and Logan smirks more. "Whatever..." He said and leaned in, kissing Mike on the lips gently before pulling back. "Uh... can you go get my mom and sister?" He asked and Mike pouted then tilted his head to the side.

"Mike..." Logan said and Mike grunts but got up anyway. "Okay, but once you can go home, I'm never leaving your side. I swear it. I'll be so clingy you'll hate me. I'll be like your own koala bear, always holding onto you. You'll have to carry me everywhere." He said and then the door shut, him on the outside of it. Logan chuckled and shook his head lightly, looking down with a smile.

He looked up when Lolita walked in with their mom following right behind her. "Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Elizabeth asked as she shut the door behind her quietly and Logan sighed. "I'm okay... how about you two? Lola, you look like you haven't slept in a while..." He frowns.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." She smiled and sat down on the chair by the bed. Elizabeth takes a seat on the bed next to Logan's legs, rubbing his shin for a second, sighing. "I was so worried about you." She said and Logan bit his lip. "Uh... it was a bunch of assholes, mom. Don't worry about it." He said and Elizabeth sighed softly.

"Why did they even do that to you? How could they hurt you so badly?" She asked and Logan looked around, anywhere but at his mom. How do you tell your mom, who wants nothing but for you to feel only safe and loved, that you got beat up for being gay? It's not like he ever told them, it's not like they found out, he and Mike are super careful and they never said anything about it.

"I pissed some people off... said the wrong things," he sighs and looked up at her. "Logan," she sighed and looked at Lolita who had her brows slightly furrowed. "You got to be careful, okay? I get your whole hey-I'm-a-bad-boy image... but there's a line you can't cross because people are crazy." She says and he nodded his head gently.

"Yeah, I know..."













authors note logan is baby🥺
early update. hello. i'm at work. and i'm tired. and before anyone gets worried, yes i have coffee.

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