The last ninja

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Kai sat on a bench drinking a slushy. That had been his dinner for the night. His back ached, his stomach grumbled. He was cold, tired and hungry. Could this get any worse? Oh wait! It could. He could get captured by those black dressed freaks that took his whole team away! Kai stood up and stretched, where to now? He was the last one. He wondered around the city aimlessly, somehow hoping a miracle would happen and one of his teammates would pop out of a corner and call out to him.

It was getting brighter, the city grew busier. He trudged along the pedestrian path looking around him and avoiding the stares people were giving him. Well, he was wearing his ninja garb. "What to do...what to do?" He wondered in frustration. He walked so far he didn't realise he was right next to Borg Industries. Wait, Borg Industries? Kai turned around to be faced with the tall-like structure. Which pretty much looked like the TCRI building from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Me and my references! XD) Kai wasted no time in racing towards the building. He had to get help from Borg and P.I.X.A.L.

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