Borg Tower Prision

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Kai felt shocked beyond words, "Borg tower?!" He repeated out loud. Zane looked up thoughtfully, "It could be possible..." He started off, "No it's not! That's crazy! We're right IN Borg Tower. If the others were kept under us. The benders would have attacked us by now." Misako shook her head, "Cirus it's not possible. Are you sure you're reading this right?" Cirus nodded his head, "Yes! They are right under us I swear it." Zane looked at the three others around him, "Whatever, if P.I.X.A.L's there I want to go in there to get her." Kai glanced at him in shock, "Zane? Have you lost a screw? She might not even be in there!" Zane shrugged his shoulder plates, "If she's under us, it's worth a try. And no, I haven't lost a screw, I still have all 67 screws on me. Why would a screw interrupt my programme?" He looked at Kai quizzically who gave himself a facepalm. "Cirus, can you get us a rough estimation where she is?" Misako asked him, Cirus nodded, "I can try." With that, he zoomed the map into 3D form. The signal continued to glow a bright red colour, but this time, under a layer with Chris-Cross effect. "She's about 200 feet below surface." Cirus said, "She's in some kind of...chamber. It's suspended in air." Kai narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "Could it be that Borg Tower is right under the snake's fortress?" Misako looked at Kai in confusing, "What snake fortress?" "About 3 days after we found out Lloyd was the green ninja. We invaded this underground snake fortress and took back all the fang blades." Kai explained. Misako nodded, "Good thinking, but what makes you think she would be in there?" She asked, "When we were captured. We were put into a cage and it was suspended in air." Zane thought hard, "There is a possibility that she's in the snake fortress, no, Kai, the snake fortress was built next to the Constrictai tomb remember?" Kai nodded, "I see what you mean." Zane looked at Cirus, "Do you have an earth driller?" Cirus nodded, "Yep." "Great," Zane said, "Then let's get to it. They haven't got much time left."

"Buckle up!" Misako said, " you even know how to drive this thing?" Kai asked doubtingly. Misako laughed, "Of course not! Zane is going to drive!" Zane had been transferred into the earth driller itself, besides, his whole 'street-bot body' would not be able to fit in the earth driller. Cirus had stayed upstairs in his office, "I can't handle the danger, but I can be your navigator." He had said. "Hang on tightly guys. This is going to be bumpy." Zane spoke through the speaker. Kai rolled his eyes, "Get driving, it's not like we never knew this stuff in the first- woah!" The engine roared to life and they were off. The earth driller moved out of Cirus's garage, and drove out the back of Borg Tower and into Cirus's back garden. Kai then felt the car tilt 45 degrees, he squeezed his eyes shut and clung onto the seat. "I hate this part..." He muttered. Then darkness consumed the day light, Kai glanced out of the window and there was nothing but earth and dirt in front of him. "Zane, Cirus is gonna kill you for drilling right in the middle of his garden." Kai stated flatly, Zane chuckled, "He should understand." Misako turned the head lights on, ahead they could see the gold of the drill glimmering against the light, ahead was nothing but soil and dirt. "Guys. This is Cirus, I found 7 cages surrounding P.I.X.A.L's signal. They seem to be suspended in air. I've sent the location of them to Zane already. You guys should be headed there right now." Cirus's voice sounded on the speaker. Misako leaned forward, "Acknowledged. We'll tell you when we're there." Kai looked at her thoughtfully. "Misako, remember the scrolls we were studying this morning? They said something about the overlord, Borg tower and there was a black cage drawn on it." Misako nodded and pulled out the scroll. A cage suspended in air was painted on the paper in black. Japanese words were written at the side, then it struck Kai. "Misako! Borg tower was built at the spot where the overlord's fortress was. Under the fortress, he built 8 cages. Probably to hold us all in captive! Me, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, Zane, Sensei Wu, Garmadon and you!" Misako nodded excitedly, "They must each be in a suspended cage." Misako looked down, studying the scroll again. "Here," she pointed to a black calligraphy stroke across the scroll under the suspended cage. "Dark matter can turn the purest of men dark." She said turning to Kai, "Maybe, this stroke-" she pointed to the calligraphy line under the cage, "Represents dark matter." Kai nodded, "That means they should be in a stone cavern in a cage with dark matter under it. One drop and boom, they're evil." He sighed, "Oh that sounds really easy." Suddenly the earth driller halted to a stop, "I can't go past this wall." Zane spoke.
Kai peered from behind of Misako's seat. "Let's get out of here." Kai said. Misako nodded and opened the door, both of them stepped out of the vehicle and walking in front to where the driller was. Kai kneeled down and dug away some dirt on the floor, his hand hit something cold and hard. Kai tried to grasp onto it but got his own hand cut. He pulled his hand out of the dirt and brushed it away to find a rock wall. He pressed his hand against it, "I think we're here."

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