Chaoter 2: Part 3 Recruiting Raditz

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King Vegeta calms down. "Do you want anybody else on your team that's not a low class Saiyan like Raditz?"

Mizuna looks at him. "No. Raditz is the only one I want on my team."

Mazona looks at her. "Are you sure sweetie? The more people, the better."

Mizuna looks at her mother and nods. "I only  want Raditz on my team. That's final."

King Vegeta growls and walks off, angered.

Mizuna looks at Mazona. "Mother, I'm going to go see Raditz to recruit him to my team."

Mazona smiles and nods. "Ok dear. Stay safe."

Mizuna nods and leaves the castle.

It takes her a little while, but she finds Raditz. He's at his home with his mother, Gine. She goes up to the door and knocks on it. Gine opens it and looks at her. "Hello little girl. Who are you?" She asks kindly.

Mizuna looks at her, a bit annoyed and she crosses her arms. "I'm Mizuna the kings daughter."

Gine looks shocked and she bowed. "I'm sorry for being rude, Princess Mizuna! My name is Gine. I'm Raditz's mother."

Mizuna smiles a bit. "Nice to meet you, Gine. Don't worry about it. You didn't know. Um, is Raditz home by chance?"

Gine nods. "Yes he is, but he's asleep. He just got home from a mission not long ago. Would you like to come in?"

Mizuna looks at her. "That's fine."

Gine opens the door for Mizuna and she walks in and looks around. "This place is fairly decent."

Gine looks at her. "I've tried asking for a better house but my request has been denied multiple times due to the fact everyone that lives in this house is a low class."

Mizuna looks at her with a look of sympathy. "It's better then being homeless, though I wish I could help you out. Father won't let me give my input on stuff like this."

Gine nods, then smiles kindly. "Please sit, Princess Mizuna. Would you like something to drink?"

Mizuna nods and Gine pours her a drink. "It's unbelievable how kind she is. I should take after her a little more." Mizuna thinks in her head.

Gine brings Mizuna her drink while they both sit down. "So what brings you here?" Gine asks.

"Actually, Gine. I want to recruit Raditz to my team. He has a decently high power level, plus he seems cool. He caught my interest when I first met him."

Gine smiles. "I'm glad. Raditz doesn't have any friends yet so thank you. I'm surprised your father let you put Raditz on a team."

Mizuna looks at her. "It's not a problem. He did try to stop me but I just ignored him."

Gine nods while smiling.

A couple hours pass and Gine and Mizuna were talking and laughing with each other. Raditz comes out. "Mom, when is dinner going to be rea-" He sees Mizuna and goes in front of her and bows. "Princess Mizuna, what business do you have here?"

Mizuna smiles. "It's ok, Raditz. You don't have to bow."

Raditz looks at her and nods, standing back up.

Mizuna looks at him. "I came to recruit you to my team."

Raditz gets a surprised look on his face. "A team with the princess? Is that even allowed?"

Mizuna nods. "It wasn't at first."

Raditz smirks a bit. "So you're asking me, a low class warrior, to join a team with you without your fathers approval?"

Mizuna smirks and nods. "There you go. You're learning."

Raditz growls a bit. "Now you're pushing it, girl."

Mizuna laughs a bit. "Maybe you should look in the mirror and see who the real girl is." She says jokingly.

Raditz growls.

Mizuna smiles. "Ok, ok. Calm down. I was only joking. Yes I'm asking if you want to be in my team. You in or no?"

Raditz calmed down and smiles a bit. "Yeah, sure. Why not."

Mizuna smiles. "Good."

Raditz looks at her. "So when will we be starting?"

She looks at him. "Maybe in the next couple months or so. I wouldn't mind hanging out more between now and then. Maybe we can spar or something."

Raditz nods. "Definitely."

"Will any other fools be joining your team?"

Mizuna smiles. "Actually no. It's just going to be us."

Raditz looks surprised. "Really? How come?"

"I was interested in the most in your profile back in the castle and you're exceptionally strong for being a low class. I wasn't really interested in any of the other kids around my age."

He shrugged. "To tell you the truth, nobody else deserves to be in the princesses presence that isn't proven worthy or strong enough. I'm honestly surprised I've been chosen."

Mizuna smiles. "Then consider yourself lucky then, Raditz."

Gine smiles happily, looking at the 2 chat. "I'm happy Raditz finally has his first friend. And it's the kings daughter of all kids too. She's really nice." She thinks in her head. "Would you like to stay for dinner, Princess Mizuna?"

Mizuna looks at Gine, smiling. "Just call me Mizuna, Gine." She then looks over at Raditz. "You too, Raditz. Let's just keep it a thing between us."

Raditz and Gine both nod while smiling.

Mizuna looks at Gine again. "To answer your question, Gine. I'll stay for dinner tonight. Will your husband be joining us?"

Gine shakes her head no. "He's out on a mission with his team and won't be back until tomorrow."

Mizuna nods. "That's fine."

She stays until dinner and she eats, spending time with them.

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