Chapter 11: Part 1

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Authors note: I get this one is shorter then the others. Sorry!

The 2 Arcosians, their names being Red Ice and Pink Ice, that are about to destroy Planet Bardock are now hovering in orbit from the planet. Both of them sit in the main area of their space ship, looking at the planet with a disgusted looks on their faces. Red Ice folds his arms. "Hmph. Stupid Frieza couldn't even destroy one simple planet."

Pink Ice stands beside her husband. "Fucking pathetic. Though I have to give these monkeys a little credit. They did kill Frieza for us."

Red Ice looks at her and nods in agreement. "I guess I agree with you babe. Let's just kill this disgusting planet and get it over with."

Pink Ice evily smiles and nods. "After we kill this useless planet, then Blizzard will be next."

Red Ice evily smiles back and nods.

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