Chapter 11: Part 4

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She was still in her Dark Mizuna form since she knew the battle wasn't over. Instead of blowing up the whole space ship in one whole blast, she just decided to explore through the ship with a slight ki barrier around her, which immediately disintegrated anyone to dust if they charged at her. In one of the rooms, she noticed an all blue Arcosian tied up. She immediately gets a pissed look while glaring at him. "There's more of you?!" She walks to him. Once she gets to him, she aims a blast. "Die, Arcosian!"

The blast is right in his face and he has tears and a look of fear in his eyes. He's speechless for a couple minutes then finally speaks. "Don't blast me! Please!"

She growls with the blast still aimed at him. "And why should I not?"

"Because I hated Red Ice and Pink Ice and wanted your race to survive!"

The blast goes away and she looks at him. "I'll trust you this one time, but the second you betray me... you die. Understood?!"

The Arcosian nods. "Y-yes ma'am!"

Mizuna's tone of voice calmed down a bit. "Now then... What's your name anyways?"


"Blizzard, huh?"

Blizzard nods.

"Very well. I'll set you free and you're more then welcome to live on my planet. Just don't be surprised if my husbands try to go after you."

He nods and Mizuna makes a ki blade, slicing the bonds that kept him down. "Go get your things and come back here."

Blizzard nods and goes and gets his things and comes back with his things. "I'm ready!" He says with a smile.

She just simply nods and they vanish out of the ship and she launches a blast, disintegrating it with everyone on it to nothing. She then deforms and they vanish onto the Saiyan planet.

Blizzard looks around, seeing how beautiful the planet is and goes to walk around and explore.

Mizuna glances at him. "You mustn't do that right now. The rest of the Saiyans will think you're here to destroy our planet like the rest of your worthless family."

Blizzard looks at her. "That's understandable. Then where can I go?"

"Come with me to the castle. You'll be ok there." They walk to the castle and they start to approach it soon enough.

"This castle is huge." Blizzard says while looking in awe.

She nods and she has a small smile. "Yeah. I know"

Blizzard notices the smile, though it was a small one, he gets a bit of a shocked expression on his face, but it goes away before she could notice. "You never told me your name. What is it?"

"The name's Mizuna or Ms Attitude. Call me whichever."

"You mean you don't want me calling you queen?"

She shakes her head no. "Don't worry about that. I don't really care if my own kingdom calls me queen or not."

Blizzard smiles a bit. "Well that's a relief. Pink and Red would force me to call them lord."

"Well, I'm glad you can do whatever you like, Blizzard."

They get to the castle and goes in. Mizuna shows him to where his room. "This is where you'll be staying. Now I know it is kind of far, but this is for right now, until the rest of the Saiyans can trust you."

Blizzard gives her an understanding look and goes in his new room on the Saiyan planet. He then starts taking a good look around the room. "I'm gonna start putting my things up now. Do you have anything you need to be doing?"

She shakes her head no. "No. Why?"

"Oh. I was only wondering. You are a queen, after all."

She gives Blizzard a small smile. "Actually, I was gonna help you and show you around the castle."

Blizzard smiles and nods. "Well come in."

Mizuna gives him a teasing smirk. "I can come in whenever I want. I'm the queen here." She comes in and starts helping him with his things.

Blizzard laughs a bit. "I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends."

Mizuna's smirk turns into a soft smile. "Agreed."

30 minutes pass and Mizuna gets done helping Blizzard put his things up where he wants them. She then looks at him. "So, you ready to go or what?"

Blizzard nods and meets her outside of his room.

A hour and a half pass and Mizuna gets done showing him through the castle.

"This castle really is huge!"

She smiles softly. "Yeah I know. I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom." She goes to the bathroom.

Blizzard was walking nearby, looking at everything.

Bardock and Raditz soon are back to normal and they both sense Blizzards energy. They both immediately growl, with their eyes opening. They get out and put their armor on and they start looking around, searching for Blizzard.

Blizzard was sitting down on the floor close to the bathroom, waiting on Mizuna to get done. He then looks up, seeing Bardock and Raditz glaring down at them, cracking their knuckles. "Oh. He-" He couldn't even finish his sentence as he's slammed into the wall by Bardock.



Blizzard starts having tears out of fear.

Mizuna soon gets done, then she looks. "Oh. You ready t-" She then sees Bardock choking Blizzard. She growls a bit, then glares at Bardock. "If you don't wanna get put back in that healing pod, I'd suggest you let him go." She says with a serious tone.

Bardock lets go of Blizzard, but still glares at him.

Blizzard immediately jumps in Mizuna's arms, scared and with tears. "What did I do wrong?" He says while sniffling.

Mizuna's eyes go wide in surprise for a second. "You didn't do anything wrong. Please understand my husbands don't trust you just yet."

Raditz stands there. "You're damn right!"

Bardock glares. "Why did you let this thing come back here, babe?"

Mizuna sighs, softly smiling. "He was crying and even said he wanted the Saiyans to survive."

Raditz sighs. "Shit! We can't argue with that, father."

Bardock tenses up for a minute at first, then eases again. "Fine. He can stay." He then glares at Blizzard. "But if you dare lay a finger on Mizuna to kill her... I will kill you! Got that?!" He made sure his intent was clear.

Mizuna looks at Bardock. "Babe, what are you so worried about? I'm immortal."

Bardock and Raditz both look in shock for a minute before easing again.

Blizzard knew by her ki, but never said anything since he's afraid to get himself killed.

Mizuna looks while holding Blizzard still. "Are both of you clear?"

They both nod and Mizuna sets Blizzard down.

To be continued...

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