Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm going to try to write a few more chapters today! This one will be a shorter, so I hope you don't mind. Enjoy the story!

Sophie's eyes grew wide, expecting Alden or Della to scold them. She sighed, realizing it was just Biana.

"Oooooh, you two are so cute!"

"Oh, we were just, um," Sophie stammered, debating if she should tell Biana about her and Fitz. Biana was known for gossip-

Fitz cut off her thoughts by just saying, "We're dating, Biana," Fitz said. "So if you don't mind..." he cleared his throat.

"Oh, yeah, I'm so sorry," she replied, not sounding sorry at all. "So what made you guys tell each other?" she asked, making no move to leave them alone.

"I promised to tell him my secret in telepathy today, but I had no idea that he felt the same way," Sophie responded as she leaned her head on Fitz's shoulder.

"Oh, that's so sweet! Well, I'll see you guys later!" she exclaimed, walking out the door with a huge smile on her face.

Sophie looked over at Fitz and saw fear clouding his beautiful features. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"How are we going to tell the others, especially... Keefe?"

"Why especially Keefe?" Sophie questioned.

"You do know that he likes you, right?"

"What? I mean, I kind of thought he did at some points, but I never thought that he actually..." she trailed off. "It doesn't matter, Fitz. Biana will probably tell them all anyway, knowing her. But we can just talk now or something. You know, not think about it." 

Sophie leaned back against his headboard as Fitz said, "Yeah, probably." He leaned back until he was next to Sophie, his leg casually brushing against hers.

Sophie leaned on him as she asked, "So we're dating?"

"Oh," Fitz blushed. "Well, only if you want to be. I just said that to get Biana to leave. But if you don't want to then we can wait or something."

"Of course I do," Sophie whispered, shivering with excitement. She was now officially dating Fitz Vacker, the boy who she'd liked for three years. Could it get better than that?

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment if you want short or long chapters below. Thank you so much! -Karissa

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