Jordens P.O.V.

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Jorden’s P.O.V.

After ___ ran off I stayed at the waterfall for a long time. You shouldn’t have done that, what about the prince? That stupid voice whispers in the back of my head.

“The prince.” I mutter. I get the strange urge to laugh, despite all the hurt and anguish swirling inside.

“I swore by the king that I will lay down my life to Prince Blake and protect him. I will always be there to serve him and provide him with what he asks. In the name of the king I swore.” I repeat the words I had uttered on the day that I became the prince’s personal bodyguard.

“Provide him with what he asks.” I repeat, feeling despair flood through me.  I pull myself out of the pool and sit on its edge. It was a mistake to bring ____ here. I shouldn’t have given myself that kind of hope. The prince wants her and I cannot stand in the prince’s way. Besides, why would she choose me over the prince anyway?

I push the thoughts from my mind and start walking towards the castle, determined to find ___ and tell her that it was a mistake, that I didn’t want her. But you do, you want her more than anything you have ever wanted in your whole life. I try to shut the voice up, determined not to fail my prince and go back on my vow to serve him.

Threw the whole walk to the castle I tried to shut the voice up. And the whole walk there I was unsuccessful. But the moment I laid my eyes upon the castle, I knew I had to. That castle symbolized a vow that was close to my heart, that vow made me who I am… and now I hate it, I hate the fact that it exists, that I said those words to the king.

I shake all thoughts of myself out of my mind, walking towards the castle with a sense of purpose. I walk into the dining hall, eyes searching for her. A servant walks up to me and hands me a loaf of bread, I take it and bite into it, still searching faces for ____.

I see Blake sitting at the table and walk over to him.

“Hey man… why are you wet?” he says in greeting motioning for me to join him. I shake my head at the invitation and ask him.

“Nah, that’s okay I’m kind of looking for ___ right now… do you happen to know where she is.” I ask, still scanning the room. Out of the corner of my eye I see Blake start to shake his head when a woman in a lavish dress walks up behind him and puts her arms around him.

“Hello love.” She says, kissing just under his ear. Blake smiles and turns his head, letting her sit down beside him.

“Hello love, lovely morning isn’t it?” he says twirling a piece of her hair around his fingers. I stare at him in confusion, not believing what was happening in front of me. Blake meets my stare and smiles.

“Oh! Jorden, haven’t you heard? Since my brother was looking for a wife my father decided that I should to.” Blake said, staring at the woman, who waved slightly at me.

“Of course I thought of ___ first but, then I met this beautiful creature. Her name is Mary by the way.” He says. Anger boils in my veins as I hear him talking about ___ like she was some sort of summer fling. I almost yell at the spoiled brat in front of me, but I choke down my anger.

“What about ____.” I ask, my voice too low. Blake shrugs, never taking his eyes off Mary.

“You can have her, Mary is going to be my wife.” He says kissing the girls cheek, making her blush and smile.

“don’t-“ I cut the rest of my sentence off, wishing I could just come right out and yell at him for talking about her like an object to be passed around at the bonfire.

“Well, congratulations my prince” I say bowing stiffly, to think I was about to give up the most important thing in my life for him.

“But if you will excuse me I think I am going to go to my chambers, it was a long night’s watch and I must clean myself up.” I say, not waiting for a response. Stalking away to my room, anger bubbling inside of me. I slam the door to my room closed and immediately punch the wall.

“fucking-shit head-talking about- hell was I thinking- treating her- mother fucker- selfish- will pay” I pace around my room, muttering to myself and letting out a steady stream of cuss words out under my breath.

“FUCK!!” I yell at the ceiling. Falling on my bed I lay still for a while, enjoying the blankness of my brain.

I must have fallen asleep, because when a maid stumbled into my room I jerked up in surprise.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, I’ll come back later.” The maid says backing out quickly. I rub at my eyes and look out the window. The sun was a little low in the sky, telling me that it was just passed noon. I sigh and stand, realizing that I had slept in my wet pants. I take them off along with the wet shirt and chuck them into a basket in the corner of the room. I pull on new dry pants, not bothering to put a shirt on, deciding to stay in my room all day.



Almost done!!! :( awww, I'm thinking that i will publish maybe one more chapter and then publish the ending.


I'm trying to decide if i want to publish another one of my wwyff's on here... and if you think i should what do you think i should do with them? should i keep all of the results? or should i narrow it down to one choice like i did here? leave a comment if you want to give me feedback (PLEASE LEAVE FEED BACK!!!) and give me a vote if you liked this chapter!!! thank you for reading!!

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