Chapter 19

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It was a warm evening, Lucky walked towards Fernando who was holding file. Lucky was holding a glass with whisky.

Fernando kept browsing the file.

"It all there. My contact at the security company wouldn't give me wrong information." Lucky says.

"I know. It just I can't believe you found such information so fast."

"Well, what can I say I'm a resourceful man; who has connections everywhere." Lucky spoke confidently.

"Tommorow it d-day for us, we must hit this score fast." Fernando said as he closes the file.

"Have you found the bomber?"

"Yes, I met the guy. He's really good in his job, but can we trust him since he work with many gangs."

"Relax Fernando, I double-check people I work with. His credibility is on point, he's want we need in this operation."

Fernando looked relieved hearing that from Lucky. Fernando doesn't easily trust a person.

"Well, if you say he's clean then I trust your judgement."

"Remember you need him in order to make more money to save your organization." Lucky says as he takes a sip.

"Thanks to Enrico for living us with huge debts."

"Enrico is dead. You need to step up and take over and fix his mess. If you can do that your men will respect you more. I remember when I bought this hotel and my first casino, I had no experience in managing a business but look at me now I'm  living large." Lucky responded as look at his surrounding.

"But remember when you made enough money you need to leave the game and start something legit." Lucky tipped.

"Well, I really have not thought of life after crime. I grew up in this field and maybe I'd probably die in it."

"Fernando, you can't always be running from the cops or your enemies. Sometimes you must call it day. Then you'll live a normal life." Lucky said as walks to his chair.

Fernando look deep in thoughts on what he was told by Lucky.


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