Chapter 25

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The following day, Fernando was relaxing as he listened to some music. Fernando lived alone in the mansion house. He thought it was time for him to get a lady who he will love and cherish. After the death of his childhood lover Kelly, he never dated anyone. Fernando preferred being single.

But living in this mansion changed his perspective. He wanted to be in love. Fernando was interrupted by a sound of a chopper surrounding his mansion. Fernando stood up and went to stand near the window. The chopper kept rounding his house.

A man walked in a hurry.

"Boss, we have company."

"Who is it?"

"It the FBI, they're standing at the gate. Should we let them in?" The man inquired.

Fernando nodded. The man left in a hurry.

Fernando was puzzled at what the cops are doing here in his mansion. He always covered his tracks.

Within ten minutes, Special  agent Roberts walked in his team. Fernando looks at them with confidence.

"We meet again, Fernando." Roberts teased.

"What do you want? I have not done anything illegal."

"So you say. This is a search warrant. We are here to search this place." Roberts said as gives Fernando the warrant.


"We have been tipped-off that you killed Enrico and the weapon that killed him is here. You show my men where is the study room. I'll keep Fernando company."

Kenny and Mike and three other officers leave with Fernando's man to the study room.

"This is a waste of time! I promise  I'll sue you and your bosses for this harassment." Fernando roared.

"Be my guest." Roberts said with arrogance.

Within a couple of minutes the police returned with the gun.

Fernando couldn't believe it that the gun was in this house.

"No, you people planted in gun now." Fernando complains.

"Fernando Vidal, you're under arrested for the murder of Enrico Sanchez. Cuff him." Roberts spoke.

The police officer put handcuffs on Fernando.


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