Chapter 26

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Fernando was walking around the interrogation room in the police station. The door opened and Lucky walked in.

"Hey, Fernando."

Fernando nodded.

"Where is Tommy? I need him to explain to me how the hell did the gun end up in my house. I thought he gotten rid of it." Fernando hissed.

Lucky look down as he sighed.

"Fernando, there something you need to know."

"No, I don't need to know anything. I can't believe Tommy would do such a thing to me. I took him as my brother. He..."
Fernando was cut off by Lucky.

"Tommy is dead." Lucky announced.

"What? How did he die? Last night I was with him." Lucky asks as he looks confused.

"He was found this morning by his girlfriend. He was severely assaulted before being killed." Lucky says with a sad tone.

Fernando sat down.

"Tommy is dead." Fernando says in disbelief.

"Yep, Tommy is no more. Then Mark has declared himself as leader of the Miami Rollers." Lucky informed.

"Damn him! Last night we had a disagreement. He did this to me so he can occupy my role as leader. How twisted can Mark be? To kill his own man." Fernando questions.

"He planned this well to get the power. And I heard from some man that he withdrew large some of money from Miami Rollers account."

Fernando hits the table with a fist.

"Now it all makes sense - he did it for money. When I get out of here Mark will pay for this." Fernando vowed.

"I can take him out." Lucky suggested.

"No. This has become too personal for me. I will deal with Mark myself."

"Okay. In the meantime I'll organised a lawyer for you."

"Don't bother. I need to escape this place." Fernando says as he lowers his voice.

Lucky looked concerned.

"Well, that will be tough. Security is tight here."

"Lucky, I don't care! Make it happen fast." Fernando demanded.


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