[Arc 11] Ch. 6 Festival D'aulony

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[Happy Halloween I hope you enjoy this chapter.]


"It's called the Festival D'aulnoy," Hyde said as we descended the stairs. "She's one of the more popular human gods that the Galavan residents worship. I suppose you could call her the Goddess of love and happy endings, but if you talk to any of her priests the doctrine is quite unique and almost makes her sound like a goddess of destiny. One set of her teachings is about the cycle of human relationships, and thanks to Faunanelfa Bluecoast who began this festival, it is about something known as the 'love story doctrine.'"

I listened intently when I realized Hyde was taking me to a love story festival.

"It's broken up into three parts over three days." Hyde continued. "Stranger, Neighbor, and Cliffhanger."

"That doesn't sound very... love story like." I said, caught up in how to phrase it without saying it didn't sound romantic.

"It's based on a story about the Demon Queen and the Hero. They were once enemies and then the aged hero stumbled upon a cabin. He began living with the lonely old woman. Then they fell in love, confessed their origins and then they supposedly lived happily ever after." Hyde related the information as we approached the front desk.

"You lost me. How does it all connect?" I asked.

"Is this your first Festival D'aulony, young miss?" The fox hostess interjected. While leaning over the desk toward us.

"It is, I'm from Sudaven and I guess you could say I didn't go to many festivals." I laughed nervously.

"Then let me put it this way." The hostess gave Hyde the 'let me handle this because you're screwing it up' look. So, Hyde rolled his eyes and consented with a nod.

"The whole name for the first day is 'The Meeting of Strangers.'" She started." Since we are a port town, we get a lot of people from all over. So, we celebrate both meeting all different kinds of people, and also that the Demon Queen and Hero were strangers even though they had a very long history. So, you can meet someone new, even if you've previously met. That's why we wear those masks, sometimes you have to change your face to truly meet someone."

"You see, that makes sense!" I exclaimed to tease Hyde a little.

"The second day is named 'Becoming Neighbors' and everyone spend the entire day building a large pavilion for the third day's events. Anyone who can't help with the labor finds another way to be helpful. Since everyone is no longer strangers, it's a big project with friends." She explained and pointed at a painting of people building a pavilion that hung up on one of the hotel's walls.

"Then the last day is called 'Lovely cliffhangers.' A big party is held at the pavilion, and you dance with a bunch of people. Then what happens after that day is up to you. Maybe you found your soul mate or maybe you just had a good time. But it looks to me like you two are already having a good time." She winked. "So, let me offer you a freebie of something our booth will be selling in the marketplace today."

She had us put our hands on the desk and pulled something out from underneath. It was woven bracelet made of leather and ribbons centered around a small glass tube that was stopped at both ends and that was home to a sparkly droplet of bright red liquid. She tied the bracelets around our wrists and told us about where their stall was along with the prices before she explained what they were.

"These are called Darling stone Bracelets." She beamed. "Inside the vials are two halves of the same stone crushed and mixed into a pleasantly colored fluid. Its enchanted to be drawn to itself so if you look closely, the stone is pressing on the side for the vial closest to the other half. This way, if one of you gets lost in the crowd, you'll be able to find the other. And with a little magic..."

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