A New Target.

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Your eyes follow the movements of your fellow thief very closely, boredom has taken you into the kitchen where you had expect to find Killer - which you did, but what you didn't expect was to find another thief helping him cook.

This one is newish, male with black slicked back hair, you believe they called him 'Cade' before but you weren't necessarily listening when he was introduced so you could be mistaken. 

You watch the young man listen religiously to Killer's instructions on the cooking methods before carrying them out, your arms folded over your chest as you lazily lean back against the kitchen wall.

What's his gain here?

"[F/n]," Killer finally addressing your presence as his masked face turns to focus on your small frame, his voice slightly mocking but not at all in a malicious manner, more like a mildly playful one. "Are you stood in my kitchen to get in the way or help out?" 

It takes you a moment to think of an answer; cooking isn't really your strong point so if you were to help out, you'd probably unwittingly poison the entire gang and washing up sure as hell isn't an appealing idea either so...

"I just came to meet the new recruit. Cade, wasn't it?" The poor boy immediately freezes at the mention of his name, his eyes shifting to you curiously but he smartly chooses not to say anything as you approach him, Killer calmly muttering not to disturb the boy too much under his mask before he paces over to the sink and begins peeling some potatoes.

Once you reach the newest member, you offer him a somewhat false smile as you lean against the counter beside him, watching as he stirs what-looks-to-be gravy.

"You know, ass-kissing isn't gonna get you anywhere." You simply murmur, making sure that Killer doesn't overhear in the process and immediately earning yourself a guilty grin from the raven-haired male as he shrugs his shoulders, still stirring the brown sauce.

"Hey, I'm just tryna get by." 

His response doesn't necessarily shock you at all, most of the thieves you've met here all have the same reasons for joining such a gang to begin with; they just wanna prosper. 

Although Bonney claims that she only joined because Killer cooks good food - apparently before she had met them, she used to steal food from the stalls scattered around the marketplace and ate it in secret, until she tried to steal from Eustass Kid himself, anyway.

One does not simply pickpocket a master thief.

From what you've heard, she almost lost her fingers to Kid's knife that day, but Killer quickly talked him down and reminded his boss that she might have potential within their crew.

"If you wanna get by..." You coldly voice as your attention rests on Cade's eyes, a tiny frown etched into your features as you smirk to yourself vaguely. "Then make us some money. This isn't a hotel." 

You're well aware that it isn't your place to intimidate the new recruits but what can you say? You're in a bad mood and this is good for relieving it.

Of course your frown only deepens when somebody drops something on your head, some kind of material, it covers your eyes and feels somewhat cold. 

Whipping the coverage away, you spin around, about ready to turn into a banshee and screech insults at the prankster...however you only find that it's Kid behind you.

Great, as if I hadn't had enough of you already for one day. 

Though, glancing down at the fabric that he had dropped on your head, your heart flutters. 

It's the burgundy scarf that you were trying to swipe earlier.

He got it for me...?

Immediately, you shake off your surprise, frown reappearing on your face as you glare up at the redhead. "You scared the crap out of me, Eustass!" Your attention is so focused on Kid that you completely miss the fact that the new recruit has slipped well away from you both. 

"It's not like it's hard to scare you, you're about as brave as a cat!" 

"At least I don't have the temper of one, unlike you!"

"Hah! That's debatable, woman!"

You can vaguely make out Killer lowly muttering 'Here we go again' to his new assistant chef in the background, only causing your irritation to rise but luckily for you, Kid simply huffs to himself before making his way back out of the kitchen. 

Apparently, that amuses Killer. 

The blonde observantly watches his captain leave, only humming to himself thoughtfully once the kitchen door closes (more like slams) behind the grumpy redhead and just like that, the second in command's attention swiftly turns back to you. 

"How strange. Kid doesn't usually give out gifts." 

"What?" Your shock only lasts mere seconds before your crankiness kicks back in, your hands resting themselves on your hips as you instinctively puff out your chest to appear more threatening. "You want me to kiss his ass just because he righted his wrong?"

Honestly, he was the reason I lost the opportunity to steal the damn scarf to begin with!

Your somewhat sassy remark only earns yourself a subtle shake of Killer's head as he stares down at you through his hockey-like mask, you can practically feel him smirking from behind the coverage.

"I'm merely amused. It would seem that he has also forgotten to give you your next job.

Well, this certainly catches your attention.

Your chest immediately dropping as you raise a curious brow, a low hum rumbling in your throat questionably. "Job? What job?"

In response to your own calming state, Killer also slouches somewhat, his shoulders relaxing as his assistant chef makes a reappearance, seemingly just trying to resume his cooking.

"Kid was supposed to task you with breaking into Trafalgar Law's home and stealing a certain necklace."


You've heard of Trafalgar Law a few times now; 

From your understanding, him and Kid aren't...the best of friends.

"...Alright, what necklace am I stealing?"


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