A Chaotic Morning.

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You grumble to yourself as you painfully get dressed into appropriate clothing for the day, your thighs still sore and bruised from the night before and your lower region still feeling rather sensitive.

When you had woken up, Eustass Kid was gone but quite frankly, it's too early in the day for you to care.

It's also freezing; your teeth uncontrollably chattering as you slip into a thick jumper before wrapping a scarf around your neck but it's a futile attempt, you're still chilly which leads you to wearing a thick winter coat also.

It's certainly getting close to winter!

At least your outfit hides all the marks that Kid had left across your neck and chest.

Making your way out of your quarters and into the main room of the base, you find Bonney, Cade and Bellamy sat at a table as Killer stands opposite them, seemingly talking of an incident that had occurred last night.

"You sure it was a person, Bellamy?" Killer calmly questions with his muscular arms folded over his chest, his masked face focused surely on the blonde before him, both Bonney and Cade snickering at the situation for whatever reason.

"Yeah! I'm tellin' you, there was someone in my room!"

"Aw, was she pretty~?" Bonney taunts, only earning herself a deadly glare from the tormented blonde as Cade cackles evilly. 

"Hey, this place is built underneath a cemetery," Cade reminds the trio in between chuckles before his voice deepens and his hands rise above his head, fingers wiggling teasingly. "Maybe it was a ghooost~!" 

"S-Shut the hell up!" The blonde barks crankily, only causing the pair to laugh harder as Killer simply sighs underneath his mask. "There was somebody in my room, she was stealing money from under my bed! I wasn't hallucinating!" 

Who keeps money hidden under their bed?

"We'll keep an eye open." Killer finally murmurs drily, Bellamy's face instantly beginning to fill with reassurance at those words as a heavy huff pushes past his lips.

"That's all I was asking for...thanks, Killer."

Of course, this has nothing to do with you or your current job so you simply just stroll past the thieves and make your way outside.

Once you emerge from the burial vault though, you quickly begin to wish that you had stayed inside and listened to the gossip. 

The cold air hits you like a train as the frosty leaves crunch under your feet, your arms clutching themselves around your torso as a shiver assaults your spine.

Damn, I want to go back to bed...

"There you are." Kid's gruff voice reaching your ears as the large redhead approaches, your attention immediately shifting down to his exposed chest and causing your eyes to leap from your skull, he's still wearing his usual red fur coat but it doesn't cover his entire body and his dark vest is also undone, his abs on full display.

Honestly, how he isn't freezing his ass off? You do not know. 

Much to your surprise, his kinder nature seems to be showing today, he's holding two paper cups that seem to contain coffee in his hands, passing one over to you as he continues to speak.

"I was gonna wake you, but after last night, I thought you'd need all the rest you can get."

"Screw you, Eustass." 

All your response gains is a coarse laughter from the brute, his amber orbs staring into your own eyes as he hungrily licks his painted lips. "I thought you already did." He confidently murmurs as you take the hot drink from his pale grasp, a small pout etching itself into your features.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed it, Eustass. Because it's the first and last time that it's ever going to happen."

Of course, Kid only scoffs at your claim, beginning to make his way toward the edge of the town with you following closely along beside him.

"We'll see about that." He simply rasps with a dangerous smirk, his predatory eyes still staring down at you and watching as you take a sip of your drink, apparently he knows just how you take your caffeine. "Don't forget that I'm a master thief and if I want something, I'll always find a way to take it. You are no exception." 

"I--!" Suddenly a wave of realisation hits you, a deep frown etching itself into your features as you shoot the redhead a fiery look. "I'm not a fucking object!"

You don't miss the brief confusion in his expression before he pushes it back, a wicked snicker leaving his throat as he shakes his head, as if you had just told him an awful joke or something. "Obviously not, you bring me more amusement than a stupid object ever could!"

His response once again shuts you up, your face flushing as your eyes abruptly avert his fiery gaze, your hand acting on impulse and bringing your drink to your lips, allowing you to take a sip as you try to act indifferent to his remark.

What the hell is he doing to me? I've never felt so vulnerable with a man before!

Arriving at the edge of town, you spot Monet. 

Kid approaches her whilst you linger behind, quickly finishing off your coffee before kicking yourself into gear; you watch the two exchange a few lines of dialogue before the woman hands Kid the keys to a van parked nearby. 

You can see that the vehicle is decorated to suit the whole 'pest control' pretence, the lady's golden eyes lingering on Kid's a little too long for your liking but the redhead swiftly turns his focus back to you, seemingly ignoring the greenette's persistent stare.

"Hurry up, [F/n]!" 

Bossy asshole.

With a final chug, you empty the cup of coffee completely, briskly throwing it into the trash before you approach the pair with a vague scowl. 

"Don't rush me this early in the morning, Kid!"

You notice a small hum sound from Monet as you reach the two, her eyes darting down to your small frame at that point, you hadn't noticed until now just how short you were in comparison to her. 

"A member of your crew who is allowed to sit on your lap and call you by your first name..." She calmly murmurs before her stare slides back toward your boss, the male harbouring a slight frown at her words.

"What are you tryna say, woman?!"

"Nothing at all, I just hope you weren't being biased when you claimed that she was your number one thief. We cannot afford any mistakes during this job."

Damn, almost every job I've done this week has gone south! If this one does too, Doflamingo will kill us!

"We're releasing a bunch of mice into a kitchen, it's hardly job of the century!" Kid barks harshly, seemingly not at all worried by Monet's doubts, his muscles tensing and his teeth gritting as he leans into her face, a small growl erupting from his lips. "If you don't trust my crew then why bother hiring us?!"

"Calm down." She responds coldly, not even flinching as she returns your boss's fiery gaze, her body also tensed as her hand rests on the pistol tucked into a holster around her hip, seemingly ready to shoot him if she has to. "My task is to simply observe and make sure I'm entrusting the right people with an important job, like you'd care if you were entrusting a stranger with your crew's future."

A moment of silence passes.

Then Kid's muscles slowly begin to relax as he pulls himself away from the green-haired woman, his eyes shifting toward you as his dangerous smirk makes a reappearance on his face.

"Fine. But you'll be sorry you ever doubted her by the end of this job."

"I sincerely hope so."



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