The Game.

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"I've got a question for you, [F/n]." Killer leisurely murmurs as he watches you closely from behind his mask, his fingers lazily tapping against the table's wood. "What is the best robbery you've pulled off so far?"

You were admittedly bracing yourself when the blonde said he has a question for you but this has quickly relaxed your nerves, you don't mind answering this one.

How tame.

"I enjoyed one slight pickpocket that I did a couple of years back, before I met you guys." You begin to describe softly, a content smile gracing your lips as the memory blesses your mind. "There was a guy trying to creep on me at the bar."

You can feel Kid's fiery gaze burning into the side of your face as you speak, the redhead grumbling something incoherent as he folds him arms over his strong chest.

"He kept trying to flirt and grope me and then ended up buying us rounds of shots, clearly trying to get me drunk but he only ended up getting himself hammered instead. Eventually, he passed out against the bar and I was able to steal his wallet." 

Your confession draws a wicked snicker from Cade's lips as Wire nods his head at you in approval.

"Clever move."

"Clever?" Kid echoes, his burning stare shifting toward his friend and fellow thief as a frown dominates his features. "That wasn't clever, that was stupid! What if she passed out instead of him?!"

"Kid." Killer simply murmurs, somehow silencing the grumpy redhead immediately.

What's his problem? It's not like I'm living the safest of lives as it is!

Beside Killer, Cade smirks as his eyes shift to Bonney, the poor girl still trying to protect her modesty.

"So, Bonney~!"

"What?" The pinkette essentially growls through gritted teeth, her purple eyes harbouring a slight flame in them as she stares back at the male in question, waiting for him to speak.

"Is it true that you've hooked up with one of the stall vendors within the marketplace?"

The girl doesn't even need to mutter a word to answer that question, a deep blush spreading across her face and reaching her ears as she awkwardly huffs, raising from her seat and bending over to scoop up some of her clothes. 

"Screw this game, I'm not playing anymore!" The poor girl blurts as she swiftly stampers her way into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her once she's inside.

Touchy subject?

"Were you really asking her difficult questions just to risk seeing her naked?" Killer quizzes the raven, a snicker escaping the boy's lips in return as he carelessly shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey, you can't blame me for trying!"

"Who did she hook up with?" Honestly, you can't help but ask, your curiosity only earning another snicker from Cade as Killer sighs.

"A couple of men." The blonde answers vaguely, politely protecting his fellow thief's reputation as he continues. "Not at the same time, of course. She was in a brief relationship with Diez Drake who used to work as a crate carrier for Ace's stall, she then met Ace through him and became very...interested."

Oh, damn.

"She broke up with Drake to pursue a casual kinda thing with Ace but that didn't last long since she had to steal from his adoptive father." Heat begins to explain also, the pale man's eyes locking with yours as he loosely fiddles with his fingers. "Ace caught her in the act but since he liked her so much, he didn't report her to the authorities. However, he did dump her."


"Anyway," Wire voices from beside Cade, clearly eager to get back to the game since it's his turn. "Boss, forgive my boldness, but is it true that you've only had 3 sexual partners in your entire life?"

Only? What kind of question is that anyway?!

The entire table falls quiet as everybody's stares shoot toward Kid nervously, the redhead's expression somewhat unreadable as he leans back in his chair, grunting lowly before he answers.

"Yeah, it's true. Running this band of reprobates takes a lot of my time so getting laid is the least of my concerns, what of it?" His bold answer isn't argued with or mocked in anyway however, everybody simply just nodding their heads in understanding before moving swiftly on.

It's now your turn to ask a question, a devilish grin spreading across your lips as your gaze lands on Kid's, his amber eyes staring right back at you as he awaits the damn words.

It's almost as if he's knows what's coming.

"Since you've just claimed that you don't have much time to get laid, Captain Kid..." You cheekily chime, drawing a light frown to the sexy male's face. "I'd like to ask; do you ever get sexually frustrated?" 

You don't miss how Cade has to 'clear his throat' to stop himself from laughing. A bit of silent amusement even shining in Wire's eyes also as Killer hums curiously to himself, all attention focused solely on your boss and causing a very pale blush to dust his cheeks.

However Kid quickly pulls himself together; a small smirk tugging on his lips as his golden orbs stare deeply into your own eyes, leaning in slightly closer to you as his voice dips a little, but the whole table could still surely hear what he says.

"That is an interesting question coming from you..." You may or may not have just walked straight into that one, his comment causing the curiosity to rise amongst the guys, their stares quickly shifting between Kid and yourself. "Sometimes, I might want to explore a woman. Especially if she's my type."

You don't miss the slight hunger in his eyes as he says this either, subtly looking you up and down with a smug grin and causing your heart to seemingly flutter inside your chest before his attention swiftly turns back to the rest of his crew. 

"My turn." Kid rasps mischievously, shooting you another glance discreetly as his grin slowly widens. "[F/n], is it true that there is somebody within this gang that you'd like to fuck?"

"Kid!" Killer abruptly scolds but the poor blonde immediately gets brushed off as Cade snorts, just barely managing to bite back his chortles as he grins excitedly. 

"Now these are the kinda questions I was hopin' for!"

Yeah, I'm sure you fucking were!

Taking a deep breath, your eyes fall closed, your body suddenly feeling so hot that it almost seems as though you're sitting beside the sun itself. Releasing your breath, you reluctantly answer;

"Yes, there is. And no, I will not be saying who that might be."

Of course, you have unwittingly sealed your own fate; every other question you get is Cade or Wire curiously trying to guess the name of the member that you'd like to sleep with, which you refuse to answer even if it's wrong, just because you don't want to eliminate any guesses and make it even more obvious as to who it is.

The last thing you need is to be accused of trying to bed the boss. 

Though, you'd wager Killer has already worked it out since he doesn't seem at all curious about it.

First you lose your scarf due to refusing to answer, then your shoes and socks...and then your jumper. 

This game is quickly becoming less fun...

When you begin to remove your shirt however, you fail to notice Kid's eyes skimming your figure, shamelessly taking in your every detail and earning himself a gentle nudge from Killer. 

"That isn't going to impress her..."

I see what Bonney means now; they really do cheat in this game! I feel like I'm being targeted!


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