In The Clear.

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You're still clutching the neck bust closely to your chest when you enter the sanctuary, much to Heat's confusion as he approaches you.

The bluette takes a firm grasp on the decoration before simply plucking it out of your hands while muttering; "You didn't need to bring the whole bust but good job nonetheless."

You'd like to argue with him on this but you're far too tired to muster a single reply, simply just huffing weakly whilst lazily waving your hand at him. 

"You had to run?" Wire cuts in, the more quiet individual leaving his post to come and swiftly look you over for injuries, he's mainly the security down here, making sure nobody...unexpected comes down but he also has light medical expertise which definitely comes to your advantage if you ever get hurt.

Giving him a subtle shake of your head, you lowly huff "I'm fine." before straightening yourself up, your eyes instinctively scanning your surroundings for Kid; you have a few choice words that you'd like to throw at him but sadly, it doesn't look like he's present.


But you do spot the next best thing; Killer calmly approaching, seemingly ready to greet you but all he gains for his courtesy is a deadly glare.

If you cannot tear into Kid for sending you on such a dangerous job then you'll just have to settle for Killer.

Apparently, he can sense the sudden shift in the air though, the blonde nonchalantly dismissing both Heat and Wire before taking a firm yet gentle grip around your wrist and leading you into the kitchen area. 

"Come on, you look like you could use a drink."

"You..." You hadn't realised until now just how breathless you really are, your lunges tightening as you try to speak and managing to pause your sentence before it had properly started, taking a deep and sturdy breath before attempting to continue between huffs. "Y-You...didn't warn me about...the knife-wielding asshole...!"

"Mihawk?" The blonde quizzes, clear confusion written all over his features as he sits you down at the dinner table before hastily making his way over to the refrigerator nearby and fetching you a nice cold beer. 

"No, his creepy kid." 

"Ah..." Is all Killer responds as he places the bottle down in front of you, watching in silent amusement as you briskly twist off the cap before bringing the liquor to your lips and shamelessly gulping it down the same way that you've only ever seen Shanks drink in the pub. "We weren't sure where she would be exactly but we heard that her and her father are currently at odds, so we didn't think she'd be home today."

All you grant in response is a muffled hum as you glug the entire bottle dry within seconds, slamming the empty glass down on the table before signalling for another with your fingers.

Much to your surprise, Killer begrudgingly grants you the requested drink, only releasing a hopeless sigh as he lowers the new beer onto the table before contining to explain the mistake to you.

Not that you'll be forgiving him any time soon, no matter what his excuse is. 

"From our understanding; Mihawk's daughter doesn't like Perona. And Mihawk doesn't like his daughter's lover either so...things are tense between the pair." The blonde simply taking a seat opposite you and watching as you guzzle down the second beer, his elbows resting idly on the table. "Oi, go easy on that. You have more jobs to do today, you'll be useless if you're drunk."


"So, did you kill Mihawk's daughter?" 


"If so, you better have hid the body, otherwise we'll have daddy dearest on our asses and we don't need that right now."

"I didn't--"

"Although, I'm sure Kid won't mind that."

"I DIDN'T KILL HER!" You finally blurt over the blonde's sentence, a deep frowning etching itself into your features and giving you a slight headache in the process. "I didn't need to hurt her at all!"

And don't interrupt me in future, asshole!

"Oh? You managed to sneak around her?" Killer simply presumes, you can feel the male studying your face from behind his mask as he calmly crosses his muscular arms over his chest. "How did you manage such a thing?"

"Well...I-I didn't." You nervously mutter, half-expecting Killer to get angry but instead, he just falls silent and stares at you, seemingly waiting for you to explain the situation further. "She caught me but then let me have it anyway? It was really weird!"

"Oh...well, that's not too surprising. Keeping in mind; she doesn't like Perona."

"What exactly is her problem with Perona?"

"Hm...according to Bonney, it's just bratty jealousy. It was just Kyo and her father before Perona came along, daddy's girls typically don't like feeling replaced." Killer simply murmurs, taking your half-empty beer from your side of the table and lifting his mask ever so slightly so that he could finish off the rest before he continues. "It doesn't really matter now though. The job is done and you'll be paid handsomely for your part in the robbery." 

"So I should be! She was gonna cut my throat!" 

Killer simply just scoffs at your response, seemingly not believing she'd do such a thing as he idly toys with the beer bottle in his hands. 

"Well, you did steal her necklace yesterday so I understand why you might think so." 


"The golden one with the ruby, it was a gift for her from her lover...and you stole it." You can't quite conjure up any words at such information, your eyes boring into Killer's mask as your brows knit together in confusion. "Funnily enough, she purchased it right back - making us a lot of money in the process."


"Why would she do such a thing?"

"I imagine she didn't want her boyfriend to know that she had lost it in the first place, she did ask us to be discreet about the whole ordeal after all...then warned us not to steal from her or her family ever again."

"But Perona--"

"Clearly isn't her family, as far as she's concerned."

Wow, what a little bitch...

"Anyway," Killer carelessly chimes, rising from his seat and stretching his arms up in the air as a tired groan escapes his throat, clearly he didn't get much rest last night. "Kid's at the pub if you wanna go and get your next job from him."

And with that, the blonde relaxes his muscles, making his way out of the kitchen and into his quarters as a huff escapes your lips. 

I'm not working anymore today!

But alas, you still don't mind the idea of going to the bar and tormenting your boss a little, especially after the hell he has unwittingly put you through today.

He owes me a drink after all this.


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