Get The Drinks In.

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Your anxieties slowly begin to relax as you make your way to the pub, you've no longer got the necklace in your pocket and you doubt that the sleeping person saw you, considering they were under the duvet.

Repeatedly reminding yourself of these small facts soon pays off as you reach the doors leading into the bar, your nerves feeling somewhat more steady. There's a couple of men smoking their cigarettes outside; one of them is a regular named Benn Beckman but the other male is one that you haven't been introduced to quite yet, a blonde young man with swirly eyebrows, his eyes seemingly glimmering as they land upon you.

"Well, hello there, beauti--!"

"Leave her alone." Benn calmly grumbles over the young boy's flattery, his expression seemingly as indifferent as ever while he casually nods his head at you in silent greeting, allowing you to pass by them without any further interruptions and make your way inside.

You don't know Mr. Beckman personally but you've seen him around the market, apparently he works on the docks. 

Nice guy...I hope I never have to screw him over.

Upon entering the pub, you finally take a deep breath before releasing it. The calm lighting and music in here is always so welcoming and soothing, it has a tendency to make you forget your worries and on top of it all is the sight of your boss, the redhead is sat at the bar and tucking into a small plate of food, you can vaguely make out the pint of beer in a glass sat beside the meal also.

Making your way over, you slip yourself onto the barstool beside him, earning a somewhat annoyed grunt as he raises his stare to meet yours.

"Hey, I don't want any compan--oh. It's you." And just like that, he shrugs off whatever it was that he was going to say and resumes eating his meal, completely ignoring the mildly playful pout you're giving him.

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." You sarcastically murmur, gaining yourself a disinterested hum as the brute polishes off the last of his food, dropping the knife and fork down on the plate before pushing it across the wood of the bar for the bartender to take whenever he's ready. 

The only time Kid ever buys anything, it's from this pub, maybe because it's harder to steal beer and cooked meals than jewellery and clothes.

You can't help but contemplate the fiery redhead however, his golden eyes are seemingly focused on the beer inside his glass as his painted fingernails tap against the rim, a slight frown etched into his features; he looks so thoughtful for once.

He's actually quite beautiful up close...despite his temper.

"What are you staring at?" The admittedly handsome man finally asks after a moment, the words seemingly just drifting from his lips but his stare never leaves his drink. "Did you come here for something in particular?"

"O-Oh, yeah! I did!" You can't help but silently scold yourself for stuttering a little before swiftly pulling yourself together and offering him a somewhat forced smile as you continue. "I want a raise for a certain job I did today!" Your request seems to draw in Kid's gaze at least, a low 'hm?' sounding from his painted lips as his orbs shift to find yours, clearly asking you to elaborate. "Trafalgar Law's ruby necklace?"

A slight irritation takes over his features at the mere mention of the surgeon's name and his eyes darkening a little. "I didn't give you such a job." He coldly states before finishing off his beer, his attention darting over to the bartender and gesturing for 2 more drinks with his fingers. "Not yet, anyway."

"Killer told me about it," You quietly admit, instinctively peeking over your shoulder to make sure no customers are listening in before you begin ruling off the details. "A golden necklace, red ruby--"

Thief. {Eustass Kid x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now