The Next Job.

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You smile to yourself in content as you exit the sanctuary, you had decided to change into something more appropriate before hitting the pub and since it's rather chilly outside, you decide that it's the best time to wear your brand new scarf.

Your nerves have finally settled at least, a slight spring in your step as you stroll through the marketplace and toward the pub, Benn Beckman is once again stood just outside with a cigarette and leaning against the building's wall, offering you a slight nod in greeting as you pass him.

 "Hiya, handsome." You murmur kindly as you press your hand to the pub's door, you can sense that he's not the type to get creepy with you over such a compliment so you're not so reluctant to grant him one.

Sometimes, a tiny compliment can make somebody's entire day. 

"Afternoon, darlin'." He calmly responds while bringing his smoke back to his lips and taking a long drag, the simple nickname actually managing to bring a smile to your lips as you finally enter the building.

I love that man.

Taking a short glance around the pub, your good mood immediately evaporates.

There's your boss in plain view but he's sat at a table only suited for two with a green-haired woman, the sight bringing a small frown to your features as you stamper over yourself, desperately trying to work out what to do next.

I can't walk out again, I'll look stupid!

Taking a discreet glance toward the bartender, you silently decide that it's best to just go over to him and act indifferent whilst ordering a drink for yourself.

You offer the cute blonde a tiny and forced smile as you approach, subtly reading his name badge.


"Can I have a beer please, Sabo?"

The male harbouring a warm smile while nodding his head, immediately grabbing a glass from the shelf and filling it with the desired drink as you collect the right amount of cash from your purse.

"Maybe if Shanks is here, I could drink with him. He'll drink with any--"

"[F/n]!" Kid's gruff voice calls out to you, causing your face to fall as you shoot him a side glance, your hand automatically handing the money to Sabo as he lowers the drink down onto the bar.

Once you've paid and grabbed your liquor, you reluctantly approach the table where your boss is sat, your stomach turning horribly as you feel the greenette looking you up and down observantly.

"Hm?" It's the only sound you can actually bring yourself to muster as you finally reach the table after what feels like an eternity, your teeth gnawing nervously on your bottom lip as your eyes lock with Kid's golden ones, the memory of this morning flashing wildly in your mind without warning.

How he licked your fingers after you had pleasured yourself and how he acted so indifferent about it...suddenly, you feel a little used despite not actually doing anything with him.

He took nothing from you; so why do you feel so empty?

You're not even sure. 

"This is the thief I told you about, Monet." Kid states lowly, his pale hand wrapping around your wrist and harshly tugging you closer to the table, your face heating up madly when his stare shifts to meet yours. "Take a seat, [F/n]." What you don't expect is for him to push his chair out slightly, his stare seeming to silently request that you sit in his lap and it's in this moment that your entire body freezes solid.

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