Sometimes A Bright Lady.

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It's one measly word and yet, it still exasperates you greatly.

Killer finally taking off his mask and setting it down on the edge of his desk, he's certainly not what you expected either; you had thought he'd be scarred or have a disfiguration of sorts since he's always hiding his appearance but no, nothing. 

He's actually quite handsome.

But you're far too annoyed to pay any attention to that little fact right now. 

"Why the hell not?!" Your outburst only drawing a sigh from Killer's lips, as if he's speaking to a stupid child. 

"Because Kid won't like it."

"How can you be so sure? You haven't even presented the idea to him!"

You came up with a clever little plan; you're aware that if Apoo was fired, he would be sent straight home since he works in a place that handles food so you wanted Killer to send a thief to each restaurant that's owned by Doflamingo to find where the snitch works then you'll go in and see to it that he gets fired, when he comes out of work to head home, you follow him and once you reach a secluded location, you'll knock him out and Killer will bring him back to the base, serving him as a gift for your boss. 

But Killer isn't being very cooperative. 

"I don't need to present it to him to know that he won't want you following a man home."

"What? Are you assuming I'll try to fuck him or something?!" Once again, Killer releases an irritated breath, his eyes falling closed as he pinches the bridge of his nose. 

"No, I'm assuming that boss won't want you getting yourself in any dang--"

"I can look after myself, Blondie!"

Your reaction does little to impress the tall male, his eyes still closed in thought and the frown still very deep on his face before he finally shrugs. "Since you and the boss are so close these days, you present the idea to him. But don't say I never warned you."

'Since you and the boss are so close these days'? The hell does he mean by that?!

"In the meantime," Killer continues, his eyes returning to the maps laid out before him as he grabs a pen and begins to draw a circle around each location where Mr. Donquixote's restaurants reside. "I'll send Bonney and Cade out on fake dates to each of these restaurants and see what they can find...maybe I'll even have Nami and Heat go on a few also to cover more bases."

Your excitement for the plan diminishes a little at that idea; poor Heat is quite a shy guy, you can only imagine how frail he'll be if he were on a date with somebody like Nami, even if the date isn't real.

Sorry about that, Heat...

"And when you find him? What then?"

"That depends on what Kid wants to do."

It isn't quite the answer you were looking for but it's an improvement, Kid will be much more difficult to convince that's for sure, but not impossible. 

Bidding the blonde goodnight, you make your way out of his room and back to Kid's, your legs still protesting as you walk and a sticky substance dripping down your inner thigh and causing an uncontrollable shudder to wrack your spine. 

Kid doesn't like to wear condoms so you're the one who has to protect yourself from pregnancy by taking the contraceptive pill, it seems to work well but it also gives your boss (and lover) the green light to release inside you so when you start walking around after sex, you feel it all drip back out again.

What a strange feeling.

Entering the bedroom, you find Kid in practically the same position you left him, except your pillow had been pushed back into it's rightful place which causes a thin drop of sweat to roll down your temple as you slowly take off Kid's fur and your panties before slipping back under the covers with him. 

"Where have you been?" The redhead tiredly rumbles, his eyes still closed and arm immediately reaching out for you, dragging you into his chest by your hip as he nestles his nose into the crook of your neck.

"Uh, toilet."

"Liar." Kid lazily responds, his pale fingers harshly pinching your side and causing you to jolt and shiver as a yelp fights it's way past your lips. "Tell me the truth, my little shadow."

"I-I was talking to Killer about Apoo, we were just talking though! Nothing el--"

"I know, I trust Killer." Kid's eyes slowly open as he admits this, his fingers releasing you and instead beginning to stroke your sensitive skin as he lightly nibbles on your shoulder. "I might even trust you too..."

"Listen, Kid, I need to ask you something." Your request only draws a curious hum from the redhead's lips but he doesn't stop his ministrations on your shoulder at all, his hand starting to wander up to your chest instead and grope you, earning himself a grumble in response. 

Again?! What the hell is this man??

"Tomorrow." He simply responds, you can vaguely feel him smirking against your skin as he pulls your back firmly to his chest, his length already hard once again as he presses himself against you.

"No--!" Your protest is swiftly disturbed by an odd sensation; a very backward feeling around your rear entrance, then followed by a harsh penetration, causing a pained yelp to escape your throat as your nails instinctively clutch into your pillow. "K-Kid!" 

Your voice seemingly evaporates as the redhead lets out an airy chuckle, slowly beginning to thrust himself inside you, your body tensing as the pain takes over and your eyes filling with tears as your teeth clamp onto your lower lip in attempts to muffle the squeaks and mewls that threaten to leave your mouth.

Your brute wastes no time in taking a firm grasp on your thigh, lifting your leg a little as he thrusts and making it easier to claim your more sensitive entrance, his painted nails digging themselves into your skin as he latches his teeth onto your neck, biting and sucking at your skin as his thrusts gradually become faster and more painful.

Your whole body begins to jolt with each of his movements, before long the tears are practically streaming down your face as your backside burns at the sensations but it soon becomes rather pleasurable, you find that you start enjoying the pain as he hits a certain spot inside you that causes your legs to twitch and a squeal to tear from your throat.


Once you react in such a way though, Kid begins aiming for that same spot every time, becoming rougher and rougher with each thrust, his hips clapping against your ass and the bed rocking with his harsh ministrations, slamming against the wall as uncontrollable cries and moans tear from your throat. 

"Fuck, [F/n]!" Kid muffles against the lovebite he had just left on your neck, slamming into you one final time as he hits his climax, releasing a disgruntled groan against your nape as his warm seed bursts inside you, causing a final squeal to rumble in your throat as you hit your limit also.

Your eyes practically pouring with tears from the pain as Kid pulls out, his arm tucking itself around your waist as he grins, you can feel his teeth on the back of your neck as he lazily sighs to himself whilst pressing his nose to your hair.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" His breath a little ragged as he asks this and his touch becoming lighter, it's all too clear to you that he's close to passing out, an exhausted huff pushing past your lips as you relax into his warmth.

"Forget it...I'll talk with you about it later..." You just barely manage to voice inbetween your strained panting, your eyes feeling heavier than ever as they finally fall closed and your body seemingly going numb as you slip into an unconscious state. 

I really hate you sometimes, Eustass Kid...


Thief. {Eustass Kid x Reader}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα