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"I don't know what you mean, Kid." Nami essentially growls as she plucks the hanging clothes off of her display and drops them into a large box, you had spent the whole day in bed with your boss so you had to catch this stubborn orangette as she was closing up her stall for the night.

Killer has a few tasks to do this evening; it would seem he's trying to gather information about Scratchmen Apoo since there is...a score to be settled with him. 

Naturally, this means that Kid will have to deal with Nami. 

And for some reason, he wants you to be present for it.

Although you're still very stiff in your movements, your thighs feeling as if they're on fire and your neck is absolutely covered in lovebites, not to mention your chest too.  

"Don't play stupid games with me, woman! Bellamy said it was a redhead with a tattoo on her shoulder, you're the only woman in this town who fits that description!" Kid's eye slightly twitching as he glares down at the girl before him, shoulders tensed and a deep frown dominating his features. 

"Really? The only woman with red hair in this town? My hair isn't red for starters, it's ginger! And have you forgotten that there's also Baccarat, Kyo and Desire in this town?! They're all females with red hair!"  

You can't help but grimace at her claim, she raises a good point after all. 

Desire has red hair although you aren't sure whether or not she has a tattoo on her shoulder, but she's also involved in some shady business that even you don't know much about so Nami may or may not have a decent argument there. 

And Baccarat is already rich but when you actually think about it, you have no idea how the woman made her fortune. Rumours say it was through gambling but how can you be so sure? It's definitely something to think about...but you're fairly certain that she doesn't have a tattoo on her shoulder. 

"Bullshit!" Kid's bark cutting into your thoughts as he steps threateningly closer to the orangette, causing her to back away nervously into her small stall. "Wire didn't even see the girl enter or leave so she must be skilled with burglary, I know you're the only one who could have been that sneaky! I know about your past too, you were a thief once!"

Was she?!

Suddenly the innocent stare in Nami's eyes drains away, a small yet confident smirk tugging on her lips as she shrugs her shoulders. "Alright, you got me." She carelessly chimes, her expression never wavering as Kid lowly growls. "But listen to me, Eustass 'Master Thief' Kid, I know where your base is and I know the names of all your gang members. It would be a shame if the authorities were to learn about this information also." 

Is she--? No way, she's threatening him! Is she insane?!

Kid doesn't seem at all fazed by this though, the redhead simply ripping his dagger from it's holster as he corners the woman under her tarpaulin shelter. "Don't worry, I'm good at tying up loose ends." He rumbles while holding the blade up against her neck and just barely touching her skin with it as his fiery gaze burns through hers. "Rest in peace, bitch."

"W-Wait!" The poor girl whimpers all while raising her hands defensively, her voice becoming a mere squeak as she struggles out her next sentence. "I-I could work for you! Think about it, I'm a good thief! You could use me!"

"Heh, that's funny! What makes you think you're worthy?" 

Well, she did manage to sneak past Wire...

"I'm loyal, smart and I can draw maps! Isn't that helpful in your line of--"

"I already have people who can do all those things!"

"Kid..." You calmly voice as you enter the stall with a slight limp in your step, the redhead's amber orbs shifting to meet yours as you place a gentle hand on his bicep. "You can never have too many gang members when you're the king of thieves, right?"

All your words gain in response is an irritated groan, the male looking at you as if you've just asked him for the world or something as a pout slowly etches itself into his features. 

"I'd rather just kill her!"

"But Killer wouldn't approve." Your voice is still relaxed as you offer him a somewhat timid smile, drawing a huff from his painted lips before he finally lowers his blade from Nami's neck, slipping it back into the holster. 

"Fine. You're in." He begrudgingly grunts as his amber marbles meets her stare, his expression not softening in the slightest as he continues. "But I don't condone betrayals, you'll be loyal to your fellow thieves or you'll be bled like a pig."


Nami merely breathes a sigh of relief at the redhead's words before she passes him, seemingly being careful not to touch him at all in the process and her eyes never leaving his hands, she looks paranoid, as if she expects him to attack her or something.

Poor girl is terrified. 

Following Kid's lead, you exit the tent also, just in time to spot a group of people stumbling out of the pub nearby. They're all loudly singing and cheering, congratulating their friend on getting married tomorrow, which draws in your curious gaze.

There's Shanks being carried on the shoulders of a bunch of excitable men, the redhead wearing a large crown with the word 'GROOM' engraved into it, he's laughing loudly as he happily sings about his beautiful wife-to-be.

He's drunker than ever.

Your eyes instinctively scanning the group as Kid leads you past them, your boss seemingly in the mood for a strong drink before he heads back to the base.

The group does manage to captivate you though; there's a large man, one of his hands holding up Shanks while the other grips onto a big chunk of meat. There's also a tall male with long blonde hair and a skull bandanna, a bald guy with a literal pet monkey on his shoulder for whatever reason and a man with blonde dreadlocks, he's wearing a cape with stars on it. 

Behind the group is stood Benn Beckman with a cigar sat in between his lips as usual, the male harbouring a content smile as he watching his goofy friends before his orbs shift to you upon passing. 

"Evening, darlin'."

Hey, he remembered me!

"Evening, handsome!" You chime cheerfully, making the man's smile grow ever so slightly before he focuses his attention back onto his friends.

But when you instinctively look back towards Kid, you see that he looks absolutely livid. 

His burning gaze settled on your small frame and his frown so deep that it could surely give him a migraine, his stare lingering on you for a moment before it shifts to Benn, the grey-haired male stood with his back to the both of you now.

What's his problem?

"You got a kink for old farts or somethin' now, Shadow?"



Thief. {Eustass Kid x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now