These Violent Delights.

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Your hand grips onto your pillow tightly as you writhe around in your sleep, you're fully aware that this is just a dream but you're enjoying it far too much to care.

The redhead looks somewhat more vibrant than usual as he trails kisses down your chest, his thrusts starting off gradual and gentle but soon becoming more vigorous and rough as his hands roam your thighs, grasping your skin firmly as he drives himself into you deeply, your moans filling the air as your core burns at the harsh sensations. 

You've felt yourself waking up once or twice during this encounter but you've just subconsciously forced yourself to stay in dreamland, your body rocking with Kid's thrusts whilst he whispers naughty little things in your ear and earning himself several breathless moans of his name as you near your climax.

A lewd smirk spreading across your lips when you hear him groaning your own name into your ear, only being answered with a weak mewl as your body quakes beneath him.

But the second time he says your name, he sounds more feminine which immediately kills the moment, your stomach dropping as you watch him (as well as the blurred scenery around you) fade away into darkness, the feminine voice emerging once again and sounding more clearer this time.

"Oi, [F/n]!" 

Your tired eyes slowly squint open, stinging a little as the light invades your vision, catching a string of pink hair hovering above your face before the girl comes into view. 


"What is it, Bonney?" You grumble out lowly, your hand coming up to wipe away the crust from your eyes as you weakly sit up in your bed, you're absolutely drenched in sweat and you can vividly feel the slight dampness between your legs, causing a shameful blush to spread across your cheeks. 

Christ! Bonney, hurry up and leave so I can clean myself up!

"What kinda dream were you having? You were squirming around like you were being murdered!" The pinkette giggles carelessly, taking a seat on the edge of your bed as she drops a briefcase into your lap. "Boss said this is yours, for the necklace. He also said to bring you some water since you might be hungover, it's up there." She adds cheerfully, lazily gesturing to the glass full of water sat on top of your bedside table before she springs up to her feet again. 

"Thanks..." It's a somewhat forced appreciation considering the girl woke you from your beautiful dream, you're admittedly somewhat bitter but doing well to hide it as you watch her stroll to your door.

"Mhm. Also, I was watching Trafalgar all day yesterday, he didn't leave work at all so it must have been Rocinante in his bed." She chimes once more, peeking at you over her shoulder before offering you a cheerful wave. "See ya!" 

And with that, she's gone and you're groaning irritably to yourself as you lay back down on the bed. 

She couldn't waited until later to tell me that...

Your eyes slowly shift down to the briefcase, a small smile gracing your lips as you hastily open it, lifting the lid ever so slightly to peek inside and much to your delight, you see stacks upon stacks of cash all just waiting for you. 

Looks like Kid was very generous with the cut indeed. 

But that's the least of your concerns at the moment.

Closing the case, you tuck it under your bed, a troubled sigh escaping your throat as you thoughtfully stare up at the ceiling, struggling a little uncomfortably as you pinch your lower lip between your teeth. 

Maybe...I could just satisfy myself before getting to work.

With a deep breath, you run your hand under your duvet, blushing deeply as you tug your panties down ever so slightly and begin stroking your entrance under the covers, the memory of your dream coming back to bless your mind as you indulge yourself.

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