Set Into Motion.

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It's honestly a miracle that you managed to get out of bed today.

Although, you weren't the one who decided to wake up, it was actually Kid that carried your unconscious body into the bathroom, fill up the bathtub before dropping you into the water.

Luckily, your head didn't go under, it was just the sudden sensation of being submerged that snapped you out of your sleeping state, you were terrified - which only amused Kid greatly, the sadistic asshole.

He ended up getting into the bath with you though, acting as a bit of support to stop you going under the water and drowning, which you admittedly needed since your legs feel like tree trunks from the busy night you had endured. 

Unfortunately though, you had to walk your own way to the dining table to get your breakfast; Kid was already there by the time you were dried and dressed with his usual ungodly stamina, socialising with his fellow thieves, it seems everybody is present this morning. Even Nami.

Though the orangette doesn't look too happy about the company she's in right now.

With everybody present though, Killer thought this was a great time to bring up your little plan, leaving the part that you'd like to do for you to explain. 

Something that swiftly wiped the smile of Kid's face the second he learnt of your potential role.

"You'd like to do...what?" The redhead almost growls as he glares down at you from across the table, the entire guild falling awkwardly quiet as they try to avert their attentions on anything other than you two. 

"I obviously won't be following Apoo all the way home, just--!"

"No. I don't like it." He firmly interrupts with a scowl still very much evident on his face, his amber eyes soon shifting toward Killer. "You knew about this?!"

"I told her you wouldn't like it..."

Wow, thanks for the support, Killer! You piece of shit!

"I like most of the plan." Kid begrudgingly admits as his gaze trails back toward you, a thoughtful frown etched into his features as he hums to himself subtly before continuing. "You are not drugging him, he could easily overpower you!" 

"I can handle myse--"

"I said no!"

"And when the hell did you become my father?!"

The rest of the table smartly decide to keep quiet as the pair of you bicker back and forth, only Killer being the one brave enough to sigh at the nuisance, simply tucking into his food and treating the argument as mere background noise. 

"I'm your fucking boss, don't forget that!"

"And I'm here by choice, don't you forget that!"

"Don't get too cocky with me, woman! If I say you're not drugging that piano-teethed bastard, I mean it!"

"Can you two shut up?" Nami finally voices, whether the woman is brave or foolish - you cannot tell. Her brown eyes harbouring a very vague glare as her sights shift between you and your boss. "You're being too loud, it's too early for this cra--"

"And who the fuck asked for your input?!"

"Kid." Killer finally voices also, placing a calm hand on his friend's shoulder and successfully gaining his full attention, giving you a chance to cool off before you get too angry also. "Why not drug Apoo yourself? He surely won't be able to overpower you."

Shockingly, the idea subdues Kid instantly and brings a sadistic smirk to his painted lips as he rumbles a low; "With pleasure."

"Oh, fine, you have all the fun with an idea that I came up with."

You can practically feel Killer rolling his eyes behind his mask as the rest of the table grimaces at Kid's impending reaction but surprisingly, he merely chuckles at your remark, his expression seeming somewhat mischievous all of a sudden.

"Oh, don't worry, my little shadow. I'll be sure to let you have some fun tormenting him once he's been captured." 

The reassurance is enough to make you smirk, although you still don't like how weak he's implying you are but hey, at least he's going to let you torture that filthy little snitch a bit. 

You'll be sure to take full advantage of that moment.

You don't miss how poor Nami pales a little at the comment either but the others all seem used to Kid's slightly darker side so they simply shrug it off. 

"So, Bonney, looks like we'll be going on a date! You looking forward to it~?" You hear Cade chime at the pinkette, successfully taking attention away from you and your boss as you both stare at each other in slight awe.

He's a truly majestic man; as beastly as they come and a little evil to those who wrong him but to you and others that he gives a shit about, he's truly loyal and protective.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't find that sexy as hell.

"I'm looking forward to the food, not so much the company." Bonney responds in the background, earning herself a few snorts in amusement from most of the crew and a blatant chuckle from Nami.

"Damn, that's rough!"

Killer being the only one not to snort or laugh, his mind still focused completely on the main topic here.

"So, we'll be sending you guys out on dates to scout the restaurants, once he's been found then [F/n] will get him fired and notify Kid when he's leaving the building, Kid will then proceed to drug him and we'll bring him back here to...persuade him to change his statement with police once he wakes up. Okay?"

Sounds good to me!

"Okay, Killer!" The crew all respond in sync, with the exception of Nami, of course.

"I'm only taking part in this for the money, I hope you all know that!" The poor girl argues, only earning some sceptical mutters in return.

Kid's eyes still resting on your own as he lowly chuckles to himself. 

"This plan sounds fun. Don't ya think, Shadow?" 

"Extremely...Eustass Kid."


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