What A Nuisance.

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You can vaguely hear Scratchmen screaming for help in the storage room; literally nobody wanted him put in there for the time being but leaving him in the middle of the base's main room made it all too simple for the moron to overhear the captain's plans for him.

Considering Kid and Killer don't always see eye-to-eye on the treatment of prisoners, it was for the best that Apoo gets tucked away in a separate room, still bound to a chair though, of course.

Kid's having the time of his life breaking the snitch's fingers while you read the newspaper in attempts to find out whether or not the guy has been reported missing yet.

Though, reading is never easy when you have somebody screaming in the background. 

"His cries are putting me off my food." Nami crankily complains to Killer, only earning herself a muffled 'deal with it' in response, naturally Bonney takes this opportunity to lean across the table and steal some of Nami's food. "HEY!" 

"You're put off it, right~?" The pinkette happily chimes with her mouth still very much full and spitting small pieces of the meal over the table in the process.

"Ew! That's so gross!"

The two only causing your frown to deepen as you try to focus your full attention on the paper before you, somehow thinking that the more you frown, the easier it'll be to read.

But sadly, it doesn't work like that.


You've finally found an article worth your time at least, the title boldly stating;

'Restaurant Owned By Donquixote Doflamingo Almost Kills Customer.'

'Almost' kills...so that brown-haired man survived. Good.

Quickly scanning the news with your eyes, you see that the reporter's don't even seem to give a shit about the cook, they're more focused on Doflamingo and his methods of employme--And then there's Nami and Bonney still bickering in the background, completely throwing off your concentration.

"Doflamingo has been known to hire cheap cooks which often leads to..." You quietly begin to mumble-read the article to yourself, your brows knitting together so tightly that they must surely resemble a monobrow by this point. "Them knowing very little about actually..."

"Stop stealing my food!"

"You said you weren't hungry anymore!"

"I said nothing of the sort!"

A grunt involuntarily escaping your lips as you misread a word due to the yelling in the background, refocusing your attention before continuing. "Doflamingo reassures that it was just a terrible mistake and he'll make sure that it doesn't happen ag--"

"You did! You were all; 'Eww that screaming is putting me off my meal! Woe is me!' so, I'm helping you eat it!"


"Will you two shut the fuck up?!" You finally bark at the pair, your eyes surely resembling a serial killer's as you glare up at them and your hands impulsively gripping onto the newspaper, crinkling it within your grasp. "I'm trying to fuckin' read!"

Thankfully, they both fell quiet the second you snapped.

Your burning gaze swiftly shooting back down to the article and resuming your investigation with only Apoo's distance screams of agony echoing throughout the base in the background. 

"Damn..." Nami lowly whispers as she scoots a little closer to Bonney to avoid being heard by you, mainly because she doesn't want to get shouted at again. "She really is Eustass' type, huh?"

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