A Risky Plan.

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"How the hell did they know where boss was gonna be?!"

"I think that shady doctor snitched us up!" Bonney hisses, the guild all crowded around the large dining table, even members that you've never met before are present.

You really had no idea just how many allies that hot brute has, apparently these guys all work in separate parts of the region since Kid can't patrol all potential targets at once.

"We cannot assume anything just yet." Killer calmly murmurs, playing the rational thief as always whilst his fingers idly fiddle with his mask, a low sigh finally pushing past his lips. "Trafalgar was in our sight the whole time he was here so it's unlikely that he could have snitched. Even if he did, I feel they'd come straight to the base, which they haven't so I believe it was just a run of bad luck rather than any form of betrayal."

You can't really bring yourself to listen to this conversation much though, you've been struggling to function this past week. You can handle break-ups, sure. If Kid simply dumped you, you'd sulk for about an hour or two before thinking 'fuck that guy' and continuing on with your life but this is quite different.

He has been torn away from you, arrested and thrown into a filthy cell, all because you killed a man.

This is a sense of guilt that you just can't handle; sleeping has become nonexistent, eating is a chore and talking just makes you cranky, you've lashed out at poor Killer no end of times since that night. 

You were hellbent on telling the authorities that it was you who killed Scratchmen and that Kid had nothing to do with it but Killer wouldn't allow such a thing, he had to wrestle with you and even tie you up to stop you from doing anything 'stupid', which naturally only furthered your anger with him. 

You've even threatened to kill him, not that he seems to buy it.

"It's New Year's eve, this is the best time to save him." One of the older thief's murmurs, he's one of those that you've never met before and seems awfully cold and distant. He has long blonde hair like Killer and the same maturity but it seems that's where their similarities end.

"What makes you say that, Hawkins?" Heat being the one bold enough to ask the question on everybody's mind, the blonde simply humming to himself as he lays out three cards on the table with little pictures on them, one of the pictures consist of men drinking, the other shows fireworks and the final one shows an empty prison cell. 

"Everyone is distracted when they're counting down to midnight." 

"That's a good point." Killer rumbles, his eyes scanning the cards from behind his mask as he crosses his muscular arms over his chest. "But how will we get in? We only have 10 seconds in this instance and it's not enough time to drill a human-sized hole through a prison wall."

"We'll need somebody on the inside." Wire suggests, earning a nod from Hawkins.

"Cade, you could do it, right? Nobody has seen you before!" Bonney thoughtfully chimes, but the raven merely shrugs his shoulders awkwardly as Killer flat-out shakes his head in clear disapproval. 

"He's too talkative, he'll draw attention to himself."

"What about Heat and Wire?" A man with a blonde mohican asks, only seeming to exasperate Killer further.

"They've got wanted posters and very unique appearances so they'll be recognised in seconds." The blonde's masked face turns to another one of the men you've never seen before, a shadow member of the guild apparently, nobody really knows him. "Misael, you're good at picking locks and you don't have any expressive features so you'll be most suitable." 

The man in question has short and messy gingery-brown hair, dark eyes, pointed features, a confident expression and he's wearing a dark long coat. He looks like he knows what he's doing but you still don't want to be excluded from this plan, you feel fully responsible and you want to help.

"I'll join him!"

Your words draw in the eyes of the entire table; Killer's expression is unreadable as always but everyone else looks quite shocked, except for Hawkins anyway, he looks as if he was expecting that response. 

"No offence lady, but I work alone."

You had expected Killer to agree with the ginger guy's protest but instead, the blonde just stares at you from behind his mask, not a single word leaving his lips which naturally only worsens your anxiety. 

Come on, Killer! Please!

"You know Kid won't like it, don't you..."

"Yeah, I know...but he's worth it!"

"Wait, are they screwin' or something?" The guy with the mohican carelessly asks, causing most of the table to grimace, with the exception of Cade who instead snorts.

"Hell yeah they are~!"

"How vulgar." Wire mutters under his breath, earning himself a hum of agreement from Hawkins as the blonde gathers up his cards, giving them a short shuffle before he spreads out another three across the table's wood. 

These pictures display two figures dressed as guards on one card, a clock with both hands striking 12 on the next and then the fireworks again on the last card. 


"You two will need to dress as guards, get into the prison and get Eustass out of there as the clock strikes twelve, they'll all be cheering and fireworks will be going off so any potential noise you make will be muffled. You must be swift from that moment onwards." Hawkins warns firmly, his eyes boring into yours as if he's silently stating that it's you who he doesn't trust fully. 

"Can't we just say we've been sent to transfer the prisoner or something?" Misael questions, earning himself a short shake of Hawkins' head. 

"Absolutely not. Riften jail doesn't transport prisoners, especially not on New Years Eve. It's a lazy day for the authorities." 

"Isn't it always a lazy day for the guards around here?"

"Shut up, Cade!"

"What? He just saying what everybody's thinking!" 

"You can shut up too!"

"Go ahead and make me!"

"You're all so loud..."

You can feel Killer's eyes glued to you amongst the guild's bickering, returning his stare as he scoots a little closer, you know he has something discreet to say when he acts this way - you're used to Killer's little signs now.

"What is it?" You quietly mumble, managing to go unheard by the others, who are still engulfed in their sibling-like argument. 

"Promise that you'll be careful, Kid can't lose you."

"Uh...? Y-Yes, I promise."


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